BW/BW2 Should Black And White be on the 3DS?


*Trips and lands in pie*
It would be awesome if Black and White are on the 3DS! Think about it! I mean Seeing Reshiram and Zekrom IN 3-D!
RE: Should Black And whight be on the 3-DS?

The third version will probably be out on 3ds. Because 2 years from now, the DS will be almost dead.
RE: Should Black And whight be on the 3-DS?

You maybe correct! besides, the DS pretty much dead, Thanks to the DSI. the 3-DS may just finish it off! Or well it....
RE: Should Black And whight be on the 3-DS?

The title is annoying me. It should be white not whight. :p
Probably the third version will probably be on the 3DS. But as for Black and White they will be on the DSi and the previous Ds's. It would be pretty cool to see the Pokemon in 3D and also see the fights as well in 3D, but we still don't know if the third game will be for the 3DS for not.
RE: Should Black And whight be on the 3-DS?

Off Topic: I have a DS Lite, and it is literally almost dead. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but a section of plastic has come off my Lite's right hinge, and the top screen occasionally stays white - I think it has something to do with the ribbon not making contact or something. As a result, I have to constantly adjust the top screen so that it shows the picture, otherwise my games are virtually unplayable. :(

On-Topic: I think they would make Black and White for the 3DS to increase sales, much like they did with Pokemon Yellow and the GBC. The 3rd version of these games (Grey?) and any remakes of previous generations will no doubt be on the 3DS. The thing I hate about all this is that I'd have to spend ~£150 on a new console every few years, but that's what Nintendo wants everyone to do. >:[
it will probably end up being something similer to like how yellow could be played on the game boy, but had enhanced graphics on the Game boy color.
ShinjiSan- No, 3ds games will not work on the DS and DS games will only have DSi enhanced features on 3ds, nothing else. :(
Timeshift-same thing is happening to my ds lite.
Time for a new ds. Glad the games are for all ds. A lot of people cant afford/want/need a dsi yet. Getting the 3DS though and i think they will start shifting from ds to 3DS, or atleast DSi. Next game will probably stay the same, but have more extras in 3ds.
Wait so the english games will be on the 3DS glad i'm getting the english version first maybe it's time to buy a DSi and 3ds. And yeah i would think that makes sense for the 3rd games to be on the 3DS.
when does the 3DS come out in america?
ive been thinking about replacing my DS so i can trade with myself without having to bother my friends to borrow their DSs, and mines battery life is starting to get lower and lower
If it were on the 3DS almost all of the great changes the 5th Gen has made wouldn't have been present. All the changes done were made because they are on the same platform as the 4th Gen, and Game Freak wanted to make sure they were very different in comparison to avoid complaints.
Also, despite what some of you are saying it's NOT enhanced for the 3DS AT ALL. Just enhanced for the DSi. Why enhance it for a system that isn't even out for a few months anyways? Though all of the DSi features will work on a 3DS though if that's what you're saying.
Blue/Red: Game Boy
Gold/Silver: Game boy color
Ruby/saphire: Game boy advanced
Diamond/Pearl: DS

Black/White shouldve been on the new system too