Why not? It's pretty fun. I'd recommend testing it out in Shoddy Battle before actually EV training it and all, just in case it doesn't do well. No sense in wasting all of that effort.
Why are you asking Members for what you should do? If you want to do it, there's no reason to make a thread asking what other people are telling you should do.
What the heck is a TCG team? If you want to do whatever, and feel you are ready mentally and financially, just do it. We don't know you, so we can't really help you.... *edit* well, you are already on typhoon... If you want to there is no one stopping you...
I think you should. I would join if you would let me. After all, you know your stuff. Go ahead and do it though, but I think the limit of TCG has been reached if not close, so idk if itll slide. If it does, count me in though.
If you can't decide whether you want to make a team or not without asking everyone else what they want, what makes you think you'd be a good team leader?
Or you could build a real team where its real players and you share ideas/test together with people compared to just a thread where people post random stuff.