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Shuckle's trading post! 1/31! [H] A ton of Lv. X's! HG/SS stuff!

Do you have anything on my want list?

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RE: Shuckle's trading post! 11/25! [H] Expert belt x4, Sprittomb [W] Sally X! Gar X!

salamaster said:
CML for spiritomb AR and 2 e-belt
I have Bedrill ge from you wants

I dont have the Spiritomb anymore but i like-
Gengar x2
Salamence x2

i am in a trade with the belts. But if it doesnt work. are there anything i can add for this trade?
RE: Shuckle's trading post! 11/25! [H] Expert belt x4, Gengar X incom![W] Sally X! Gar X!

hey ther can you CMl for the mario and luigi game?
RE: Shuckle's trading post! 11/25! [H] Expert belt x4, Sprittomb [W] Sally X! Gar X!

Shuckle the Snail said:
I don't have the Spiritomb anymore but i like-
Gengar x2
Salamence x2

i am in a trade with the belts. But if it doesnt work. are there anything i can add for this trade?

The only other things im interested in are the Ipod touch, mario game and gengar X .
RE: Shuckle's trading post! 11/25! [H] Expert belt x4, Gengar X incom![W] Sally X! Gar X!

CML for your

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
I have these from your wants...I need your Flygon X.

Hg/Ss New energy's x2 (except for dark where I only need 1)
Slowpoke Hg/Ss x2
Noctowl Hg/Ss
Primeape SV x2
Chatot G x2
Pokemon Reversal x2
Professor Elm's Training Method x2
Professor Oak's New Theory x2
Copycat x2
Bill x2
Rainbow Energy Hg/Ss xX
DJ Hype Vibes said:
I have these from your wants...I need your Flygon X.

Hg/Ss New energy's x2 (except for dark where I only need 1)
Slowpoke Hg/Ss x2
Noctowl Hg/Ss
Primeape SV x2
Chatot G x2
Pokemon Reversal x2
Professor Elm's Training Method x2
Professor Oak's New Theory x2
Copycat x2
Bill x2
Rainbow Energy Hg/Ss xX

no thanks sorry
I have:
Pokemon Reversal x2
Professor Elm's Training Method x2
Professor Oak's New Theory x2
Pokemon Collector x2
Fisherman x2
Copycat x2
Bill x2
Rainbow Energy Hg/Ss x3
Double Colorless Hg/Ss x1
Ampharos (Prime)
Lv. X's!
Legend Halfs!
Hg/Ss New energy's x2 (except for dark where I only need 1)
Slowking Hg/Ss x2
Slowpoke Hg/Ss x2
Noctowl Hg/Ss
Primeape SV x2
Chatot G x2
Claydol League promo

I want:
Lux X x2
Flygon X x2
Lv. X's! CML for these
Hg/Ss New energy's x2 (steel, grass, dark, fighting)
Noctowl Hg/Ss
Primeape SV x2
Chatot G x2
Claydol GE league holo
Professor Elm's Training Method 1
Professor Oak's New Theory x1
Fisherman x2
Copycat x2
Bill x2
Rainbow Energy Hg/Ss x1
Double Colorless Hg/Ss x4
Ampharos (Prime)

i have these. i really need 1 maybe 2 Luxray X. LMK what we can do.
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