• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Shuppet-nanigans (Fall BR Roads, Masters)

Mous Arishi

Shiro loves Kuro!
2-1x Banette (PT-PT)
4x Unown R (LA)
3x Uxie (LA)
2x Spiritomb (AR)
2x Unown Q (MD)
2x Crobat G (PT)
1x Regice (LA)

Total Pokemon: 17x

4x Pokemon Collector
1x Judge
1x Palmer's Contribution

2x Pokemon Contest Hall

4x Pokedex
4x Poke Turn
4x Super Scoop Up
4x Night Teleporter
4x Pokedrawer +
4x Plus Power
2x Warp Point
2x Expert Belt
2x Energy Search
1x Luxury Ball
1x Memory Berry

Total T/S/S: 40x

3x {P}

Total Energy: 3x

So this is my interpretation of Shuppet MD-ON. Spiritomb is my wall, and everything in the list is fairly standard. Regice is on the list to move active Spiritombs. Judge is for disruption and a hand refresh. Night teleporter is great for a hand refresher,and as a means of preventing myself from decking out. Banette is my Mewtwo counter. Energy Search is in the list to nab me a quick energy. I'm trying to keep the deck as minimal supporter as possible, and Energy search prevents me from clogging my hand because I can always burn it.

Comments, thoughts, and Suggestions are appreciated.
Why only two shuppets if he is your main attacker and you want to get him out fast i would run 4 so it will be easier to get him.