Sup guys, it's been a minute, huh? I've been taking a break from the game. Anyways, I really want to make a Silvally GX deck but didn't want to go for the obvious metal box or Buzzwole variant but I noticed that Suicune GX was starting to make it's rounds. So I decided to try and make an Expanded version.
Silvally GX 2-2
Suicune GX 2
Mewtwo EX 1
Volcanion <+> 1
Quagsire 2-2
Oranguru 1
--- 13 Pokemon
10 Water Energy
--- 10 Energy
N 4
Sycamore 4
Guzma 3
Lillie 2
Elesa 1
VS Seeker 3
Ultra Ball 4
Nest Ball 2
Brooklet Hill 2
Fighting Fury Belt 3
Fire Memory 1
Fighting Memory 1
Aqua Patch 3
Field Blower 2
Super Rod 1
Scoop Up Cyclone 1
--- 37 Tr/Su/St
The synergy speaks for itself Silvally provides free retreat for Suicune and friends, and allows Suicune to take full advantage of it's Ability. As well as providing a small bit of coverage with it's Memories. Mewtwo EX is here as an oldie but goody. Volcanion is here for use with Aqua Patch and Quagsire rounds out the acceleration. When Suicune is low health, retreat to the bench, use it's Ability to go back to the deck, then use Brooklet Hill etc to immediately bring him back. Fighting Fury Belt is a must with Suicune GX I feel, at least in expanded. Elesa is a fun little tech that lets you search for tools in a pinch.
While it's not exactly hard-hitting most of the time, it at least makes you a bit harder to kill and able to deny prizes. The only things that give this trouble, I'd say, would have to be things like Buzzwoles, any Grass deck, or MegaMewtwo, mainly due to either faster pace or hitting for weakness. Though any deck that requires 2HKOs aren't doing much to Suicune, and keeping energy on the field is pretty easy with Quagsire and Sivally. I've considered adding Lana into the deck just for more healing, as well as trying Manaphy EX. However, I feel like that would be more prize bait than utility in this case.
What do you guys think?
Silvally GX 2-2
Suicune GX 2
Mewtwo EX 1
Volcanion <+> 1
Quagsire 2-2
Oranguru 1
--- 13 Pokemon
10 Water Energy
--- 10 Energy
N 4
Sycamore 4
Guzma 3
Lillie 2
Elesa 1
VS Seeker 3
Ultra Ball 4
Nest Ball 2
Brooklet Hill 2
Fighting Fury Belt 3
Fire Memory 1
Fighting Memory 1
Aqua Patch 3
Field Blower 2
Super Rod 1
Scoop Up Cyclone 1
--- 37 Tr/Su/St
The synergy speaks for itself Silvally provides free retreat for Suicune and friends, and allows Suicune to take full advantage of it's Ability. As well as providing a small bit of coverage with it's Memories. Mewtwo EX is here as an oldie but goody. Volcanion is here for use with Aqua Patch and Quagsire rounds out the acceleration. When Suicune is low health, retreat to the bench, use it's Ability to go back to the deck, then use Brooklet Hill etc to immediately bring him back. Fighting Fury Belt is a must with Suicune GX I feel, at least in expanded. Elesa is a fun little tech that lets you search for tools in a pinch.
While it's not exactly hard-hitting most of the time, it at least makes you a bit harder to kill and able to deny prizes. The only things that give this trouble, I'd say, would have to be things like Buzzwoles, any Grass deck, or MegaMewtwo, mainly due to either faster pace or hitting for weakness. Though any deck that requires 2HKOs aren't doing much to Suicune, and keeping energy on the field is pretty easy with Quagsire and Sivally. I've considered adding Lana into the deck just for more healing, as well as trying Manaphy EX. However, I feel like that would be more prize bait than utility in this case.
What do you guys think?