SimiSage/Bees? Could this work?


Aspiring Trainer

I have been trying to come up with some type of deck that can do alot of damage with non-ex pokemon. I had an idea of using the FoGPs w/ vesiqueen and Simisage (the one with hand fling). The goal would be to start with Simisage and figure out a way to get tons of cards in your hand... First way I thought of was Hoopa-ex, use scoundrell ring for some random Mega-ex (megas so you dont' get stuck with them during setup). Then repeat ball for a second hoopa... and repeat. This would put an additional 6 cards in your hand. Attack a few times with the Simisage if able, then use Sycamore to discard all those pokemon and start using vespiqueen.

This has been fairly successful for me online, however the problem I have is... I am scared of red card, N, and Judge to start off with. Has anyone made this or something with the Simisage work?
In expanded it has worked with slurpuff since that lets you draw a card every turn. Personally, vespiquen is a interseting tech. But i think it works better with eeveelutions. I don't know really. Personally, if you're scared of n and red card, 4 tiernos might be good to increase your hand size and for consistancy reasons.