Site Layout Changes

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Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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Prime has suggested the following for the left and right menus. What do you guys think?

sirriddleofnc: I can see that you are AFK, but I thought I'd leave some feedback about the site.
*** Auto-response sent to sirriddleofnc: I am currently away from the computer.
sirriddleofnc: I don't think the news archive-about WPM on the left top is needed at all. The only thing I see it doing is pushing out stuff down.
sirriddleofnc: I don't see the pocket monsters list being that useful. It should be located more at the bottom.
sirriddleofnc: The fake card scans should be too.
sirriddleofnc: Same with the images of pokemon.
sirriddleofnc: The apprentice program needs to stay alittle high though because it's a popular program.
sirriddleofnc: it'd be nice to see all the scans in one location. You have Resource Center between two subjects that are totally a like.
sirriddleofnc: I'd have the sections as mega resources, scans, japanese sets, and I'd delete the ones that we've gotten in english.
sirriddleofnc: I'd throw apprentice in TCG Strat and Play and make it the highest section so newer players can learn to play first and then see everything else, the other way around.
sirriddleofnc: Throw contact and the other useless stuff in the bottom misc. section.
sirriddleofnc: I'd discard the whole anime part. You only list the pictures of the new episodes, not summaries or anything more, and I think it's useless to try to add some little anime stuff to it. Nobody comes to your site to see that, and it takes time away from YOU to updated it.
sirriddleofnc: The polls are fun, maybe instead of a new one every week, just have it so you have like 20 every month, and it gives you a random one each time you refresh. That way you only have to update once a month, and people can continue to have fun with them weekly.
sirriddleofnc: I'd move the events and dates MUCH higher, heck make it the very top.
sirriddleofnc: that's important information for everyone
sirriddleofnc: Other than that, I like the site a lot.
sirriddleofnc: I hope you get this message as I did take some time to type it.
sirriddleofnc: I actually really like the buttons at the top. Maybe you should add more.
How about this you guys?

Pokemon TCG
Modified Format Carddex (America)
Modified Format Carddex (Foreign)
Apprentice Program
Theme Deck Lists

Set Scans and Lists
Miracle Crystal (not released)
Holon Phantom (not released)
EX Legend Maker
EX Delta Species
EX Unseen Forces
EX Emerald
EX Deoxys
EX Team Rocket Returns
EX FireRed and LeafGreen
EX Hidden Legends
EX Team Magma vs. Team Aqua
EX Dragon
EX Sandstorm
EX Ruby and Sapphire
Legendary Collection
Neo Destiny
Neo Revelation
Neo Discovery
Neo Genesis
Gym Challenge
Gym Heroes
Team Rocket
Base Set 2
Base Set

Resource Center
Pokemon TCG Blanks (EX Series)
Dark Pokemon TCG Blanks (EX Series)
Dual-Type Pokemon Blanks (EX Series)
Sugimori Pokemon Images
Sugimori Shiny Pokemon Images
Sugimori Trainer Images
Sugimori TCG Trainer Images
Pocket Monsters List

New TCG Players
TCG Term Glossary
How to Play
Build a Deck
Nintendo Playing Rules

News Archive
Surf to Us!
Contact Information
About WPM and PokéBeach

Pikachu Skateboarding
Diglett Bash!
Webmaster Interviews
Who honestly plays the mini games? I kind of don't like the link to the forum being at the bottom. Why not put it near the top like where the buttons are? I think that way it doesn't reduce the traffic to the forums.

Like I said earlier, I feel the helpful things for the new players should be at the very top. The reason for that is because I feel it's super useful for new players when visiting your site for them to automaticly see what they need when they load the site. If the new TCG players links are 4/5 of the page down, they might not even see it again. Also, I'd definitely throw a link to Pokegym's Compendium so people can get easy rulings there.

Is the foreign card-dex needed? People in other countries will already know of sites in their language that will have their card-dex on there.

I also think the card dex and all kinds of stuff should go with the new tcg players section. I mean, card-dex and apprentice information will be useful for new players a lot more than just the regular player.

Anyways, just my honest opinion.
Yep, people play the mini-games. Lots of people in fact. XD

So how about...

Pokemon TCG
Modified Format Carddex
Theme Deck Lists
Apprentice Program
How to Play
Build a Deck
TCG Term Glossary
Nintendo Playing Rules
That Pokemon TCG section looks good, but I still think a link to the compendium would be very useful, for everyone really.
Ooops, forgot.

Pokemon TCG
Modified Format Carddex
Theme Deck Lists
Apprentice Program
How to Play
Build a Deck
TCG Term Glossary
Nintendo Playing Rules
Pokemon Card Rulings
^ I think we need to break the above down by 2 or 3 links so that people can see we have scans. Any suggestions on what we can combine?
Let's see, I think it'd be safe to merge Nintendo Playing Rules and How to Play. Heck you could probably throw in Term Glossary with that merge too, and maybe have words like counter link to the bottom where it gives the meaning. So if you had a sentence like, "A pokemon is knocked out when it has more damage counters on it than how much HP it has." and have a link where it says the meaning.

As in what comes first, let's start with the most needed for a starting player and go from there. So I'd see it as:

How to Play
Build a Deck
Pokemon Card Rulings
Modified Format Carddex
Theme Deck Lists
Apprentice Program

That's how I'd do it, but then again, your not I, are you? LOL
Most people who come to this site already know about the TCG and play it. New people come only when they are referred here. So, I would prioritize it with Current Players first, then New Players:

Modified Format Carddex
Theme Deck Lists
Apprentice Program
How to Play (includes Terms, Nintendo Rules)
Build a Deck
Pokemon Card Rulings
How about:

- Modified Format Carddex
- Theme Deck Lists
- Apprentice Program
- TCG Rules and Guides (includes below categories)
   - How to Play
   - TCG Terms
   - Nintendo Rules
   - Build a Deck
   - Pokemon Card Rulings/Compendium
This is a good idea.

I prefer the sets at the top more than anything else and get rid of all polls and anime stuff - they make the site look tacky. And have the scans on the right while everything else on the left.
Polls are cool, but yeah, anime seems pointless. WPM, your idea for the setlist order is a great idea.

BTW... Firefox suddenly started refusing to load the top pics.. and some other pics on other sites.. might just be buggy, like the rest of my comp.. has anyone else experienced something similar?
Get rid of the polls? NEVER! The polls are what make this site fun and make me feel better than all of you when I know the answer and you don't! :D

I like the Anime episode pics. I watch the TV show, and so do others. We can't be completely 100% TCG...
No, but we can be 0% anime.. *raises hand* *burned at the stake*

BTW, I reckon the Pokebeach section should be moved to the top.. IMO it should be there just by definition.
I updated the left menu to reflect what we discussed. I haven't combined some of the pages yet, though.

Also, does anyone think I should make the header shorter? I think it is a bit too tall. Maybe I can even make one of those horizontal bars that has:

Main | Forums | Whatever etc...

The PB section should be on the top, but it takes too much room and isn't really important. It can live at the bottom. :p
Heh, then be sure to put a nice fat link to the forums! =D >_>

The banner's not too bad, ~150's ok.. if you want it shorter though, perhaps 100 would be nice. Although it doesn't matter to me, my resolution's high.

Those horizontal bars could be kinda cool.. although some people may be unable to find them.. could you code the menu like a Start menu? Each category is listed with an arrow to the right, when hovered over, it could open the menu.. if you can, of course.
What would be the point of a left menu if we had hover menus? :p

I mean like a horizontal bar, such as... ummm... SPP, where there are Main, Forums, Modified Carddex on the top, etc...
That is a good idea, but make it more obvious than SPP's, maybe use small graphics- I never knew the one they had was even there. :p
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