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Standard Skull Crusher [Rampardos ULP]


Aspiring Trainer
Hello people of Pokebeach. Recently I had been wanting to make a new Ultra Prism deck that could do good at my local league, and hopefully in bigger events. I had recently bought some rampardos, so I decided to build this deck and take it to a local league challenge. And I have to say, I feel like I did pretty good, being the 2. Best senior in the challenge.
So I decided to take my deck to pokebeach, so you guys hopefully can make it just a little bit better.
But anyways, here's the deck list:

4x Rampardos ULP 65/156
2x Cranidos ULP 64/156
2x Buzzwole GX CRI 57/111
2x Tapu Lele GX GRI 60/145
1x Mr. Mime BKT 97/162
2x Octillery BKT 33/162
1x Remoraid BKT 32/162
1x Remoraid BKT 31/162

3x Cynthia
3x N
3x Guzma
1x Lillie
1x Professor Sycamore
1x Skyla
4x Ultra Ball
4x Unidentified Fossil
4x Rare Candy
2x Field Blower
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Max Potion
4x Choice Band
2x Float Stone

1x Super Boost Energy Prism Star
1x Strong Energy
9x Fighting Energy

So the main strategy of the deck is too get out your unidentified fossils, and hit 120 with rampardos.
I have discovered that most of the time you can get about 2 rampardos out early-mid game, and get your third out late game, even without order pad. I did use 2 order pad in the league challenge, but I only used them successfully 2 times. So I swapped them for other cards. Anyways I'll explain some cards I chose to play.

2 Buzzwole GX
Buzzwole is a pretty good starting Pokémon, mainly because of its jet punch.
Late game however, it's pretty useless since we can't really charge it up fast enough to use its two other attacks.

1 Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime is good against the Buzzwole matchup, witch can be pretty hard. It also helps against glaceon witch may see some play, tapu koko (of course) and ninetales (granted I have not seen that much ninetales.

1 Lillie but no brigette
Sometimes I wish this deck could use brigette, but because unidentified fossil only counts as a Pokémon when in play, it's practically useless. So instead we have Lillie! It's a great turn one draw supporter. Also, have you ever had that hand were you have for example a row let in play, and rare candy decidueye for next turn, but you need too get few extra cards? Lillie is pretty good for those situations too.

1 Max Potion
I did not play max potion in the league challenge, however, I found that some Pokémon have to 2HKO you. Especially Zoroark GX. Also when one of your rampardos gets knocked out, you better have some fossils left, or else you can't get another rampardos up and going. So max potion helps to prevent that.
Though, I will probably swap it for a fossil excavation kit when it comes out.

1 Strong Energy, and 1 Super Boost Energy
I have not been able to get my hands on more than one strong energy. I did however find out, that most of the time, you don't need strong energy to take a knockout. So I may just cut all strong energys, or only play 2. Super Boost Energy helps late game to, for example: if you can have three rampardos in play, you can guzma a lele and use wild crash for the KO. And even though it's a Prism star, I feel like one is fine. And since you mostly only need it late game, it getting discarded with e hammer, is pretty low, and even then it's probably fine.

I do feel like it lacks in some aspects, like in the Buzzwole matchup. I can't really find anything against basic decks. I do feel like it could use a GX attack (aside from absorption) though it doesn't need one.