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Skuntank/Bisharp (Skun Barrier)


Umbreon Rescue Team Member
Pokemon: 16
  • 4 Skuntank (BW Dragons Exalted)
  • 4 Stunky (BWDE)
  • 2 Bisharp (BW Noble Victories)
  • 2 Pawniard (BWNV)
  • 2 Honchcrow (BWDE)
  • 2 Murkrow (BWDE)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
  • 4 Dark Claw
  • 4 Skyla
  • 2 N
  • 4 Random Receiver
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 4 Evo Soda
  • 2 Pokemon Communication
  • 1 Bycicle
  • 1 Full Heal
  • 1 Tool Scraper
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Town Map
  • 1 Hipnotoxix Laser
  • 1 Energy Search
  • 1 Virbank City Gym
  • 1 Shadow Circle
Energy: 10
  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
  • 4 Special Dark Energy
  • 4 Dark Energy


As my Infernape Deck, this is quite simple. The main interest is bringing Skuntank to the Active Position in the second or third turn with a Dark Claw and one Darkness Energy (if the special one, better). His attack deals a total of 40 damage +10 from poision=50 and leaves the opponent with a flip coin to attack or not. If the Active Skuntank is killed, another one is awaiting or well, a Bisharp with a Dark Claw to finish the job. Honchcrow is there for decks that go against the Dark Type Pokemon and it is also a good pokemon for whirlwind or discard cards from the opponent's hand. Virbank City deals another 20 damage if needed, and Shadow Circle cancel the weaknesses. Random Receiver and Skyla is a perfect combination for looking what it is needed in any situation, and N is always useful. I accept any comments on this deck and how to improve it. I also want to make a standard form for this deck, so any suggestions are welcome. In Pokemon TCG Online I tested the deck and is my second best deck with an overall of 65% wins. The deck online runs with 3 Special Darkness Energies. I tried to do a standard version of the deck, but in contrast with this one, I always lose using it. What options do I have to make this deck work on standard version?