Fun Sky Field and Playmats


Aspiring Trainer
I have a hard time keeping my mega gardevoir deck organized enough to fit on my playmat while playing. I want to play speedquaza, but I don't know how to keep it on a mat. Is there a mat wider than my current mega metagross mat? Is this a silly question, or is anybody else in the same boat?
Well Roaring Skies playmats should be wider to support Skyfield so I think that'll be a decent choice.
Just squeeze it. Instead of having your discard pile in line with your Bench, have it in front of the Bench. This allows enough space for your 8 Benched Mons. If you like having your Energy/Tools coming off to the side a little, your going to have to put them poking out from the top of the card though.
I have the M Metagross mat and have been able to easily fit all 8 pokemon on my bench without squeezing anything. Instead of laying out my prizes into the marked off spaces, I simply overlap my prizes on top of on another, still in two rows, so that the bottom two prize slots are free for benched pokemon!
Instead of 1 row of 8, make 2 rows of 4. There will be enough room on the mat for it. Especially when cards like exeggcute, Mr. mime, Virizion EX, and Shaymin EX won't have a ton of energies and tools on it like Mega Quaza.
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