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Standard Sky High Thunder


Aspiring Trainer
## Pokemon -
2 Magnezone
1 Magneton
3 Magnemite
1 Tapu Lele
3 Tapu Koko
2 Staryu
2 Starmie

## Trainers -
3 Acerola (AZ)
2 N
2 Shauna
1 Skyla
2 Sycamore

2 Professors letter
1 Nest Ball
3 Ultra Ball
2 Rescue Stretchers
2 Choice Band
2 Rare Candy
2 Energy Loto
2 Energy Recycler
3 Field Blower

2 Aether Paradise

## Energy -
14 Lightning Energy

The point of this deck is to continuously shuffle energy if koko is hit, acerola(or AZ in this case) it back to hand, attach all energy to magnezone and place koko back down and he becomes active again with full hp. If koko is knocked out, rescue stretcher back to hand and use space beacon to get the energy back to hand and attach it to magnezone once again. If you guys could help me with improvements, please do, it would be great.
If you're planning this list out for the future (including Acerola in standard makes me assume you are), you should be running 4 super scoop ups since that card is being reprinted in SM3. I think the magnezone/starmie engine is overinvestment, Koko is kind of a slow and steady beat down deck, you just need 3 energy on the field and a way to recycle Kokos. Running 12 lightning and 4 max elixir should be more than enough to get you rolling early in the game, you'll lose some energy to KOs but as long as you keep those 3 energy in play you're golden.

Energy Keeper Carbink is a must have for this deck since apparently everything is running hammers these days and again, you don't need much energy in play but you need to keep yourself above that floor of 3 by any means. Raikou is a good one-of card as a single prize attacker to help you close out the games and acts as a good bank for extra energy should you lose a Koko. Jolteon-EX is a great card to have as well since it's a 0 retreat starter that can sometimes just lock your opponents out of the game.

Silent Lab and Wobbs are two of the biggest threats to this deck, field blowers are good but a few aether paradise stadiums and a parallel city would be great here. There's really no good answer for Wobbs other than accepting that you have to play a slower game when one comes out. Wobb is particularly threatening to this version because it shuts down both your acceleration and recovery tools.

Acerola lets you keep tools, but if you run this in expanded using AZ, I think an Eco Arm or two is great in this deck as a way to deal with getting tools removed. FFB is preferable to choice band unless you're also running Kukui. 160 only nets a few more OHKOs over 140, so you'll want the ability to Kukui to 180 if you're going to bother running that card imo.