Could Florges EX + Skyfield Stadium (eight bench spaces instead of five) be viable? Florges EX could do 180 damage on from turn two (20x 8 benched grass or fairy pokemon + 1 active florges), for two energy pretty easily, lead (1 energy search for a supporter) is useful as well. I was thinking with Executes to allow you to refill the extra spaces for free whenever you needed them. I think you would have to play it as a really fast deck like night march with a lot of bicycles and roller skates, probably battle compressors to garuntee those executes come out asap. The only major downside I could see is you couldn't play fairy garden, but you wouldn't need aromatesse+fairy garden really. Maybe that draw Slurpuff instead would be useful.
This is just an incomplete skeleton list with just what I see as the essentials. I see something like
Basic start, use speed draw to get a Skyfields down, active pokemon Florges, fill bench up with slur puff and execute and a Mr. Mime, wreck face with 180+ Bright Garden from Florges. Profit.
Thoughts Mr. Mime, Dedenne and Jirachi don't synergies well, could there be other options in grass or fairy I am missing? Could Float (all your grass pokemon get +20hp) be better than Mr. Mime?
What are your thoughts?
Skyfield – Trainer
Both players may have up to 8 Benched Pokemon.
If this Stadium card is no longer in play, each player discards their Benched Pokemon (and all cards attached to them) until there are 5 Benched Pokemon left.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
This is just an incomplete skeleton list with just what I see as the essentials. I see something like
4 Florges EX
4 Exeggcute
2 Slurpuff PHF
2 Swirlix PHF
1 Jirachi EX
2 Dedene (the Lightning one, to tech against Yvetel or set up bench Pokemon quickly)
1 Mr. Mime (Bench Barricade because we are gonna have three or four Exeggcutes on our Bench)
4 Battle Compressor
4 Bicycle
4 Roller Skates
4 Skyfield
1 or 2 Lysandre's Trump Card
2 Lysandre
2 Professor Juniper
4 Repeat Ball
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
4 Colress
Some amount of fairy energy.
Basic start, use speed draw to get a Skyfields down, active pokemon Florges, fill bench up with slur puff and execute and a Mr. Mime, wreck face with 180+ Bright Garden from Florges. Profit.
Thoughts Mr. Mime, Dedenne and Jirachi don't synergies well, could there be other options in grass or fairy I am missing? Could Float (all your grass pokemon get +20hp) be better than Mr. Mime?
What are your thoughts?
Skyfield – Trainer
Both players may have up to 8 Benched Pokemon.
If this Stadium card is no longer in play, each player discards their Benched Pokemon (and all cards attached to them) until there are 5 Benched Pokemon left.
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.