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Skyfield Stadium (Florges EX / Slurpuff)


Aspiring Trainer
Could Florges EX + Skyfield Stadium (eight bench spaces instead of five) be viable? Florges EX could do 180 damage on from turn two (20x 8 benched grass or fairy pokemon + 1 active florges), for two energy pretty easily, lead (1 energy search for a supporter) is useful as well. I was thinking with Executes to allow you to refill the extra spaces for free whenever you needed them. I think you would have to play it as a really fast deck like night march with a lot of bicycles and roller skates, probably battle compressors to garuntee those executes come out asap. The only major downside I could see is you couldn't play fairy garden, but you wouldn't need aromatesse+fairy garden really. Maybe that draw Slurpuff instead would be useful.

This is just an incomplete skeleton list with just what I see as the essentials. I see something like


  • 4 Florges EX
    4 Exeggcute
    2 Slurpuff PHF
    2 Swirlix PHF
    1 Jirachi EX
    2 Dedene (the Lightning one, to tech against Yvetel or set up bench Pokemon quickly)
    1 Mr. Mime (Bench Barricade because we are gonna have three or four Exeggcutes on our Bench)

  • 4 Battle Compressor
    4 Bicycle
    4 Roller Skates
    4 Skyfield
    1 or 2 Lysandre's Trump Card
    2 Lysandre
    2 Professor Juniper
    4 Repeat Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    4 Colress

  • Some amount of fairy energy.

Basic start, use speed draw to get a Skyfields down, active pokemon Florges, fill bench up with slur puff and execute and a Mr. Mime, wreck face with 180+ Bright Garden from Florges. Profit.

Thoughts Mr. Mime, Dedenne and Jirachi don't synergies well, could there be other options in grass or fairy I am missing? Could Float (all your grass pokemon get +20hp) be better than Mr. Mime?

What are your thoughts?

Skyfield – Trainer

Both players may have up to 8 Benched Pokemon.

If this Stadium card is no longer in play, each player discards their Benched Pokemon (and all cards attached to them) until there are 5 Benched Pokemon left.

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

I do like the idea... but the thing is when sky field does come out, it will be ruled by Mega Rayquaza EX and that is pretty much a reason into itself. For mega Rayquaza will simply outclass Florges with it's attack, hp and synergy with Shaymin EX.
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

I'm not denying that is a strong possibility, but I think this deck could be a nice budget alternative if the concept were really taken to the max. I mean I can't imagine how much a full M Rayquaza deck is gonna be to put together but i'm guessing it's gonna be into triple digits. One of the reasons I want to talk about and work out the best possible list for this is I do think it will be playable, even if it does auto loose against Rayquaza because I have all the pieces, and my local IRL metagame almost only ever consists of budget decks. Out of twenty players maybe one will have the cash or trade supplies to be able to put together a Rayquazza deck within the first three or four months of the sets release. So if you have a few minutes and any suggestions I would really love to hear them ^_^
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

-2 Silver Bangle
-4 Repeat Ball
-1 Trump Card
-4 Bicycle
-4 Roller Skates
-1 Dedenne
-1 Colress
-2-2 Slurpuff
+3-2 Aromatisse
+4/5 Other EX attackers (mewtwo, Xerneas, Malamar, 1-1 Mega Kanga, etc.)
+2/3 Switch/escape rope/float stone
+3 Max Potion
+2 N
+4 VS Seeker
+4 Ultra Ball
+1 Dowsing Machine
+1 AZ
Because of the Egg/Compressor engine, a heavy VS seeker line is needed. The Bikes/skates aren't needed as you easily win the Toad match up.
I think you should focus your deck around aromatisse more and with other attackers. Added Max Potion and more Benched pokemon.
I don't think that consistently you will win on a pure 'skyfield' strategy even with 4 stadiums and a dowsing machine. One could be prized, and many decks today are running up to 3 or 4 copies of Virbanks and Dimensional Valleys. This is why I added in the other non-ex pokemon. It can also help for weakness/resistance when you play a fairy resistant deck for example.
Let me know if this is helpful
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

I think you could do without a few Florges EX maybe 1 or 2 less and add 4 ultra balls instead of 4 repeat balls. Most of my decks either use 4/9 or 8 as an energy line. So for the # of fairy energies, I would say 4 wonder energies and 9 fairy energies, but if that's to much then I would say just go with 8 fairy energies.
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

The concept is nice, really.

That said, there are a few flaws to your Engine. First of all, there is no point in playing Jirachi without the Ultra Balls to search it out. I'd take it out. Either that, or swap Repeat Balls with Ultra Balls, since you're running Eggs anyway. Ultra Balls also have a more satisfying interaction with Bicycle, since they trim out your hand. I can see why you'd use Repeat Balls though. Very handy for fetching out Masses of 1-2 types of Pokemon. I'm iffy on Roller Skates, but that's just personal opinion since I have rotten luck in general. As for Slurpuff, while I do see why it is a good luxury, I don't see why it is needed. Drawing is fine and all, but they don't seem to be all that crucial.

4x Colress is also not that good of an idea, because sure, while you can in theory draw 16 (!!!) cards, they don't help you in speeding up your deck from the get go. It would be much nicer to use 4 Juniper, 4 N, 2 Colress, with 3-4 VS Seekers to recycle Colress when necessary.

You will need an attacker that can get you through Safeguards and/or Pyroar (yes I know, it's not a very playable card, but the first 2-3 rounds, where you can meet just about anything whether good or bad does exist). For that, I'd recommend Leafeon PLF, which is very powerful VS the Toad and can potentially allow a Flareon PLF tech to take out Metal types and also Sylveon FFI that can disrupt their wall from attacking. You can also try AT Azumaril which hits 100 for [Y][C][C] or Yanmega PHF that has free retreat and hits 100 for [C][C][C] if you can switch into it.

About the Mr.Mime question, tbh I sort of prefer Floette, not only because Mr.Mime is useless against the likes of Bats, but also because you can make your Grass type techs (i.e. Leafeon which I mentioned previously) a lot more difficult to deal with. They also do not hurt your damage output, so you are free to stack them up. The beauty of this deck is that you can OHKO them for so little energy and your weakest Pokemon can put themselves back into play, so even if they do Lysandre out your 70 HP Eggs and KO them, they will die to return fire from Florges.

For the Yveltal matchup, Florges is surprisingly tanky VS it. If you want to make you matchups a lot more favorable, then run Klefki, which is fairy, so it doesn't hurt your damage output, with potentially Hard Charms so the Yveltal has to break through 60 damage worth of armor. To OHKO Florges, who never has more than 2 energies, he'll need to hit for 210 damage, and thus needs a whooping combination of 7 of Energy/Muscle Band/Laser Bank, which is hard to build up since you can OHKO it easily. Dedenne does have use in calling out Pokemon, but for that purpose you'll be better off getting a Genesect, which again does not gimp your damage potential.

I would say the biggest question is which support pokemon would work best with your core Pokemon. I've already elaborated on Floette and Slurpuff. Don't think I need to elaborate on Aromatise. Another potential support Pokemon is Slurpuff XY which like its Phantom Forces counterpart, is also not crucial. My money will be on Floette since a lot of sniping is available in the meta.

For your energies, a combination of Fairy and Grass energies would work best. Something like a 6/3 split, or a 5/3 split. If you run Leafeon, try going for a 7/2 or 6/2 split. You shouldn't need too much, because between Lysandre's Trump Card (LTC) and your already dirt cheap attacks, 8-9 is plenty.

appleatingoat said:
I do like the idea... but the thing is when sky field does come out, it will be ruled by Mega Rayquaza EX and that is pretty much a reason into itself. For mega Rayquaza will simply outclass Florges with it's attack, hp and synergy with Shaymin EX.

Until Mega Ray has been released, we have no way of comfirming whether it will be as powerful as it is hyped. So far the testing on the deck, using proxys, has somewhat mixed results, and T1 Mega Ray hitting for crazy damage is very, very unlikely. We also don't know how other decks will respond to it. You have for starters Mega Manes and Raichus which can easily blow a Mega Ray out of the sky unless they can Altaria Roaring Skies out on the first turn with Wally (thus not using their draw for the turn).
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

Hey, thanks man. That's a really well thought out set of replies.
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

Draaka said:
Hey, thanks man. That's a really well thought out set of replies.

No problem. I'd just like to ask for permission to ask around for advice on the deck in the other forums I frequent.
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

Oh, and the decklist I have in mind right now.

Garden in the Sky

Pokemon - 17

4 Florges EX
4 Exeggcute
2 Eevee FFI (Energy Evolution)
2 Leafeon PLF
1 Sylveon FFI
2 Floette FLF 64 (Flower Veil)
1 Klefki FFI 73

Supporters: 14

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Colress
1 Skyla
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Teammates

Items: 16

3 VS Seekers
4 Ultra Ball
2 Battle Compressors
2 Muscle Band
2 Revive
1 Professor's Letter
1 Switch
1 Computer Search ACE SPEC

Stadiums: 4

4 Skyfield

Energy: 8

6 Fairy Energy
2 Grass Energy
RE: Skyfield Stadium / Florges EX

Yeah dude, feel free to do whatever, just post back here anything cool you find ^_^