Ruling Skyla and Ditto


Magikarp Sushi mmmmm
2 Questions.

1: Can you search for a supporter with skyla?

2: What is the benefit of Ditto? Can you further clarify what it does? More specifically, can I play a basic pokemon and immediately evolve it to stage 3 with rare candy in 1 turn? If so, can this be done on turn one?
1. Yes, you may search for a Supporter with Skyla.

2. Ditto still follows the normal Evolution rules. I believe it has multiple uses. A deck with multiple Evolution lines could play it down, and then on the next turn Transform to put down a Basic, and then Evolve it. Or it could be used as a surprise attacker. There are many different situations which could call for many different uses of it.
I'm going to expand on the 2nd question. On ditto it says that "turns in play" carry over to the card you play down. So if you play Ditto,end your turn, and then the following turn, play a Squirtle on top of it, it's as if Squirtle has already been in play for a turn. Thus you could in this situation, go immediately to Wartortle/Blastoise. However, this is really the only situation where Ditto is "useful" in games.