Sleeves for CC

I think they give you sleeves if you don't have them or yours is in crappy condition.
It depends what type of sleeves are you looking for? What cities are you going to?
Well if you can get Japanese sleeves those last a long time, the poke ball sleeves I got two years ago are still solid and I'm a ruff shuffler.
DO NOT get pokeball sleeves mine had air bubbles inside the plastic on three of them, making them all unusable.
If you can, eaither get the Japanese one (non-Pokeball ones like .::n00bmuffin::. said), get either Shaymin, Giratina (origin form~reddish brown in color) or you can get sleeves from Pre-releases...or just get the penny (very thin, but they work) ones.
Those cost way too much for a one time CC...Ultra Pro brand sleeves work well for a regular colored sleeve. For pokemon sleeves, the PR sleeves are fine.
I'm a fan of Ultra Pro sleeves. I use Magic: The Gathering sleeves on one of my decks, because that's the only design I can ever find. :p
All Pre-Release slips before MD are an epic fail. They look cool but are trashed after the Pre-Release.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
DO NOT get pokeball sleeves mine had air bubbles inside the plastic on three of them, making them all unusable.

Well to odds of that happing are high since they're made well not like the pokemon sleeves here they're week and ugly it's rare that any DP sleeve gets more then an hour of use.
I just bought some purple ultra pro and they worked fine, I went 4-2 at cities place in the top 8 of 42 masters playing