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Standard SM4 Salazzle/Nihilego GX

IronCow Tom

Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 17

3 Nihilego GX
4 Salandit (Crimson Invasion)
3 Salazzle (Crimson Invasion)
1 Salazzle GRI
2 Serviper BSH
1 Tapu Lele GX
1 Tapu Lele (Promo)
1 Espeon EX
1 Oranguru (Or for 1-1 Octillary line, remove 1 Prof. Sycamore. )

Trainers - 35

3 Prof. Sycamore
3 N
2 Guzma
1 Acerola
1 Skyla
1 Gladion
1 Lusamine

2 Altar of the Moone
4 Ultra Ball (Or 3 and 1 Beast Ball if released.)
2 Field Blower
2 Switch
1 Rescue Stretcher

Energy - 8

7 Psychic Energy
1 Counter Energy (Crimson Invasion)

So the basis is poisoning and/or burning with salazzle, and using Nihilego GX's lock-on attack to keep them in the active. Espeon EX to devolve when they do switch out, Tapu Lele (Promo) to spread damage, and serviper to add a little extra. I am only running 1 Lele GX because Salazzle's first attack does all the searching you need. Happy Playing!
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