Didn't see it.
Please, no one uses Dragonite EX or Mewtwo. And this set has way more card with potential to be good in the future, and just straight up has more good cards for right now than Evolutions does.
How do you figure? I'd say it's not even very good with Golisopod because you'd rather be running Choice Band, but can you really tell me that if you didn't need to play a tool card that you wouldn't want to keep your energy instead of discarding it? Like on Gardevoir?
A bench sniping move doesn't have to do insane amounts of damage to do insane amounts of damage... You can butter up the bench with Tapu Koko and then just constantly get bench snipes on important pieces. It's really not that slow because you can use DCE and Venusaur with it and easily have a Pokemon that does some pretty amazing damage turn 2-3. It has an amazing MU against a ton of set up deck IMO. Not Gardy because of the fairy weakness, but you better believe that VikaBulu doesn't love this card.
None of what you've just said takes into account that all of these pokemon are single prize attackers. I'm not saying it's going to be Tier one, but could it be a solid Rogue? I think so.
Chaos Tower is 100% searchable... with Skyla. Plus add in Lusamine so if it get field blowered you can just get it back. Super Scoop Up and Acerola exist in the format. Plus Parallel City/ Rescue Stretcher/ Dragonite EX (since you mentioned it). You also don't HAVE to have Chaos Tower. It's incredibly useful yes, but you could play Pokemon Center Lady (searchable). You could use Switch or other similar cards. You've written off a deck for being too clunky but the top decks we have in the format right now are all on the clunkier side.
Metagross OHKOs a 190hp pokemon? How? Unless they run Kukui or Delhmise they can't... As for the Psychic weakness use Zygarde EX maybe? I don't think you're giving Buzzswole a proper shake. He's got potential and with Max Elixir and turn attachments he'll be ready to go turn two most of the time. Also you say he's the best UB... but all the UB haven't even been translated yet. We have Xurkitree, Pheramosa and Celesteele coming as promos.
Counter Catcher is good because it's literally Lysandre... in an item. Yes it has conditions, but if the conditions are met it's a silly good card.
First of all... Aqua Patch. Plus you could run Palkia EX. And what do I care if you never play a stadium? I'll load my deck with my own. I'll use things like Parallel City to discard damaged or easy targets and then I'll just attack to remove the bench cap. Then next turn I'll Lusamine them (and a Lusamine) back.
You're not being realistic at all. You're taking a very narrow negative very with a set that A.) isn't complete, and B.) you haven't had a chance to playtest. And yeah it's not complete because when it comes over to the US we'll also be getting SM4+.
Probably because of VikaBulu?
No one uses them ANYMORE because they came out with cards that do the job better. Mewtwo was a good answer to decks that energy stacked because it was a one prize attacker (Played in Xerneas BREAK a lot for example), Now we have Tapu-Lele GX. And upon release, Dragonite was a staple in M-Rayquaza.
I'm only saying Golisopod because of the reset on the pokmeon and the effect of First Impression. You only need one or two Golisopod to be Banded, so you can use one Golisopod as a First Impression reset that does 120, then dash pouch next turn into the banded one for 150 for a total of 270. It's not hard to see that the card would be good with Golisopod. And Gardevoir would rather be banded. You would never put pouch on it. If you need to reset it, which you shouldnt have too more than once, use acerola.
A bench sniping move that NEEDS venesuar and NEEDS at least 3 Grass energy to do any kind of meaningful damage to a bench pokemon. And even then its only 120 damage. Which is only enough to 2HKO. You would need three Tapu-koko hits, and get venusuar, AND get three energy on Alolan to OHKO a big basic. That's minimum 4 Turns of set up. Which any deck in the game right now can outspeed. What deck would have a bad matchup against this? Like honestly? Garb would have a great matchup because you will go through a ton of items getting all of your moving pieces set up (only needs 9 items and a band to OHKO) Plus it turns off Venusuar. Metagross and Gard both out speed the deck. Alolan Ninetails can 2HKO you all day long, and OHKO venusuar. VikaBulu OHKO's you with Choice Band. What match up do you have that's good?
Lol the single prize attackers doesn't mean anything, because you will never kill anything. Notice how all the Single prize attackers we have now can OHKO the big EX/GX every turn with almost no set up. They can take the 2 for 1 prize trade all day because they will win it. How is a registeel, that CAN'T OHKO BIG BASICS, going to win the 2 for 1 prize trade. Tell me that. Are you going to use regirock? good luck with the energy accelration before his tiny 130 HP gets One shot by literally everything in the meta. The regis are not a rogue deck. they are simply bad. they have too heavy of a reliance on each other to be good.
Ok, so let me get this straight. You are going to set up your muk gx, get the three status conditions it will take to OHKO a Stage 1 or 2 GX, have the chaos tower, or have a second muk you can switch to, or have two switch cards to reset your only muk...with 60 cards, every turn, before your opponent gets set up...be honest, out of 100 games, how many times are you going to be able to pull that off enough to win a game against any meta deck. Keep in mind that EVERY meta deck can 2HKO you, and some can OHKO you. Not to mention they can pretty much ALL OHKO Nihilego for a free two prizes.
Most Metagross players play one Dhelmise...they need it for the 190 big basics, and for the 210 Kukui play...Not to mention some run either a 1-of Genesect EX which can OHKO with a band, or Necrozma GX, which can ohko you with a band. It's called adapting to the meta.
Lol, you literally just said my point as to why buzzwole isn't that good. How to deal with Psychic weakness on Buzzwole: Don't play it.
Are the other three UB's in this set? No? Ok, then they don't matter.
Again, for the THIRD TIME. The counter cards are bad, because they only work from behind. Meaning if you have a 50-50 matchup or better, out of 100 games, a minimum of 50 games the counter cards are going to be useless. That's a terrible ratio.
Ok, so first of all, its main attack is 5 energy, so it will die instantly to Gardevoir. It will lose the prize trade against metagross because of max potion. It loses to Garb becaue of how many cards you need for the set up. It's bad because it's too expensive, too slow, and Ninetails and Lapras are just better.
Ok, let's talk about Kartana GX. You all say it's ability is SOOOOO good, but fail to realize that discarding ONE special energy, which most decks don't even care about, is not worth losing two prizes to every meta deck that can OHKO it with almost no set up. Not to mention it's a dead card against things like Darkrai, Metagross, Fire variants, and Tapu-Bulu variants. If Enhaced Hammer was so important in the current meta, people would be playing it right now before we get Kartana. Drampa, Golisopod,
Tapu-Bulu, Metagross, Turtonator, Ho-oh, Volcanian EX, Ninetails, and
Lapras can all OHKO it with and without Choice Band respectively. Also notice how about 6 of those cards are sitting in the Tier 1-2 spot, and Kartana's ability can't hit those six. Blade GX is such an obscure attack. Think about it like this: Take 100 games against a deck that you have a 50-50 match up into, subtract 50 for your loses (you can change this number to fit the match-up), subtract the amount of times you can win without Kartana, subtract the amount of times you prize Kartana, don't draw Kartana, Kartana gets KO'd, don't have an energy for the GX attack, how many times you won't be in that 1 prize position, and finally how many times you've used a different GX attack that game. Then look at that number you have left. That number, out of 100, is how useful Kartana's GX attack is.
SM4+ would have to be absolutely insane to make up for how BAD this set is. This is how the community has responded to my criticism for this set: The UB in this set are bad>"They'll get support in the set, just wait">No support in the set>"Just wait til next set." or Only two cards have potential in competitive standard.>"No, all these cards have potential in this obscure situation that will only happen once every 100 games.">But 1 out of 100 is bad>"You're just being too negative"