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Standard SM6 Turbo Buzzwole


*thumbs up*
I've been working on this neat archetype of Buzzwole for a few days, and this is what I've got so far:
  • 4 Buzzwole-GX
  • 1 Diancie {*} SM6
  • 1 Mew FCO
  • 1 Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX
  • 2 Tapu Lele-GX
  • 1 Sudowoodo BKP
  • 4 Sycamore
  • 3 Cynthia
  • 2 N
  • 1 Lillie
  • 4 Guzma
  • 3 Brooklet Hill
  • 3 Choice Band
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Max Elixir
  • 3 Beast Ring
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 10 Fighting
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 1 Beast Energy {*}
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Hi gumball51321,

Nice deck. I am not sold on some card choices. Mew does not seem to fit that well into the deck. I understand that he is intended to be a Buzzwole counter but he does not benefit from the damage modifiers at all and I do not think that you want to invest three energies into Mew to copy Knuckle Impact or Absorbtion GX. I would run Buzzwole non-GX instead. The math works out real well for this card. Once the opponent took two prize cards by knocking out a Buzzwole GX send in Buzzwole non-GX and hit for a solid 120 without damage modifiers for a single energy. Now factor in Choice Band, Diancie Prism Star, and Strong Energy and he hits for a solid 190 damage while only giving up one prize. This seems much more viable than Mew to me. If you want a counter to opposing Buzzwole decks consider Mewtwo or the inclusion of two Enhanced Hammer to reduce the number of damage modifiers available to them. I am also not sure that Max Elixir is needed in addition to Beast Ring. Either one will provide a sufficient amount of energy acceleration on its own. Personally I prefer Beast Ring since it allows you to run less Basic Energies and it can also be used on the active Pokémon. I would cut three energy acceleration cards of your choice and include one Field Blower and two Enhanced Hammer instead.
Hi gumball51321,

Nice deck. I am not sold on some card choices. Mew does not seem to fit that well into the deck. I understand that he is intended to be a Buzzwole counter but he does not benefit from the damage modifiers at all and I do not think that you want to invest three energies into Mew to copy Knuckle Impact or Absorbtion GX. I would run Buzzwole non-GX instead. The math works out real well for this card. Once the opponent took two prize cards by knocking out a Buzzwole GX send in Buzzwole non-GX and hit for a solid 120 without damage modifiers for a single energy. Now factor in Choice Band, Diancie Prism Star, and Strong Energy and he hits for a solid 190 damage while only giving up one prize. This seems much more viable than Mew to me. If you want a counter to opposing Buzzwole decks consider Mewtwo or the inclusion of two Enhanced Hammer to reduce the number of damage modifiers available to them. I am also not sure that Max Elixir is needed in addition to Beast Ring. Either one will provide a sufficient amount of energy acceleration on its own. Personally I prefer Beast Ring since it allows you to run less Basic Energies and it can also be used on the active Pokémon. I would cut three energy acceleration cards of your choice and include one Field Blower and two Enhanced Hammer instead.
Actually, the Mew is there to kill Safeguard Pokemon, Naganadel, and Knuckle Impact while yielding 1 prize, since there will be games where Sudowoodo will not be used. I agree It's below-par considering It's 3 Energy that are almost certainly going to be thrown away, but I don't see any better options. Baby Buzzwole is too situational, since early game and late game are going to have the greatest impact on the outcome, where baby Buzzwole doesn't shine. Not to mention the second attack is coin flipping, which is particularly something I hate. Field Blower isn't needed since you have enough counter stadiums, and because the only ability that really works into the game plan would be Invasion to retreat and reset Knuckle Impact. The deck is built to completely blow up from the start of the game and destroy your opponent from an early lead. If I really wanted a card in this list, I would drop the Mew first. Something I was considering was Escape Rope just to have a switching card, while at the same time forcing a switch on the opponent, to, let's say, force a 2 prize Pokemon out from the bench if they were chipping with something like a Tapu Koko or Mewtwo. Don't forget that this isn't just straight Buzzwole, It's turbo Buzzwole. Also, with Dawn Wings in play, I can manipulate Invasion to Max Elixir to a specific target.
I in fact, love this deck.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw only one Tapu Lele GX, as most Turbo Buzz's run 3-4, or the such, and I love the fact you're using Beast Ring, as Max Elixir will be rotating so I like the way you're thinking. The inclusion of Beast Energy is also very neat, and I happen to love that as well.

A few things I would change-

Not sold on this purely because its only really useful for the T1 maneuver. So I would get rid of this for 1 more Cynthia.

Definitely not sold on this at all, I know it's a safeguard counter and all, but it just doesn't see too much use in a list like this, however I see Marshadow GX for late game maybe being something you could tech in when Buzzwole GX's are getting KO'd, or even Mew EX (Still Standard for now!).

Dawn Wings Necrozma GX-
Manipulation of energy yah sure, but I'll leave this one alone ;)

That's about it, let me know how further testing goes :)

I in fact, love this deck.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw only one Tapu Lele GX, as most Turbo Buzz's run 3-4, or the such, and I love the fact you're using Beast Ring, as Max Elixir will be rotating so I like the way you're thinking. The inclusion of Beast Energy is also very neat, and I happen to love that as well.

A few things I would change-

Not sold on this purely because its only really useful for the T1 maneuver. So I would get rid of this for 1 more Cynthia.

Definitely not sold on this at all, I know it's a safeguard counter and all, but it just doesn't see too much use in a list like this, however I see Marshadow GX for late game maybe being something you could tech in when Buzzwole GX's are getting KO'd, or even Mew EX (Still Standard for now!).

Dawn Wings Necrozma GX-
Manipulation of energy yah sure, but I'll leave this one alone ;)

That's about it, let me know how further testing goes :)

The manipulation of Energy thing is only a bonus. The real reason It's there is to Invade, retreat to reset Knuckle Impact. The Mew can also Jet Punch with a Choice Band to OHKO Mew-EX, which is also P good. T1 Lillie for a shitload of cards is really nice since I can play basically everything in my hand most of the time. I'm dropping the Regirock, since it was there as a way Buzzwole can one shot Mew-EX, but when I remembered Mew does it for way less effort, it sort of became a dead card. I actually want the 2nd Lele to hit Lillie T1 much more often, and because it can save your life late game. 4 Float Stone is another thing I'm contemplating, since Invasion is pretty important and because I want to retreat to a set up Buzzwole ASAP. I also think Energy Switch has a place in here, but I'm not sure on the counts or if I even want to run it, since I can easily attach all of the necessary Energy between Elixir, Beast Ring, and hand attachments. Maybe just 1. I'll keep testing, and I'm updating the list.
Alright, I'm scrapping the idea. It's aggressive, but not aggressive enough, and I firmly think Dusk Mane Necrozma works much, much better with this engine than Buzzwole. You hit Elixirs far more consistently, you have much better justification for Beast Ring, and you don't need the extra stuff for big one hit KOs. I do appreciate the help guys.
It’s a good idea.

For standard, it will work better post rotation.

Expanded, might work as soon as it’s legal.