I've been working on this neat archetype of Buzzwole for a few days, and this is what I've got so far:
- 4 Buzzwole-GX
- 1 Diancie {*} SM6
- 1 Mew FCO
- 1 Dawn Wings Necrozma-GX
- 2 Tapu Lele-GX
- 1 Sudowoodo BKP
- 4 Sycamore
- 3 Cynthia
- 2 N
- 1 Lillie
- 4 Guzma
- 3 Brooklet Hill
- 3 Choice Band
- 3 Float Stone
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 4 Max Elixir
- 3 Beast Ring
- 1 Super Rod
- 10 Fighting
- 4 Strong Energy
- 1 Beast Energy {*}
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