
Wow. I always come-up with the weirdest names. Anyway...

Sandstorm Team


Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EV's: 252 HP/76 Atk/180 SpD
Nature: Sassy (+SpD -Spe)
-Stone Edge

Of course, Tyranitar is my lead for a Sandstorm team. Crunch is a great STAB move, while so is Pursuit for predicted switches. Superpower is for strong coverage, and for the last move, either Stone Edge for great STAB or Stealth Rock since it's a lead, but Heatran is using that instead so probably not.


Terrakion @ Life Orb
Trait: Justified
EV's: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly (+Spe -SpA)
-Rock Polish
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge
-Close Combat

Terrakion, the Sweeper. Terrakion has the choice between either Rock Polish or Swords Dance - Rock Polish to out-speed quicker threats, and Swords Dance to get past walls. Close Combat and Stone Edge being his extremely strong STAB moves plus Life Orb. However, Terrakion won't last long, so Lucario will have to take his place after Terrakion KO's as much as he can.


Lucario @ Life Orb
Trait: Steadfast
EV's: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Nature: Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch

Yes. Justified/Inner Focus are the preferred options. (That's why when I was breeding I had a mom with Justified to lower the chances of getting Steadfast). But this is just for the DS game, I'm not going in competitions or anything. Also it's a shiny, and Steadfast isn't horrible it raises his speed.
Anyway, after Terrakion does as much as he can, Lucario can take his place. If Lucario can get a Swords Dance in his Attack will be massive. Extremespeed is a good +2 priority move to knock off the last bit of HP on weathered Pokemon. Close Combat is his strong STAB fighting move, and Ice Punch is for coverage against Dragon and Flying in particular, and whatever else.


Starmie @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EV's: 252 HP/4 SpA/252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Rapid Spin

Starmie is the new Rapid Spin user of this team. Similar to the Donphan set, except now letting another Pokemon deal with Stealth Rock. Scald is a STAB Water move with a Burn chance, Ice Beam (an Ice-type move for Dragon-types and other threats like Donphan had Ice Shard) and Recover for, obviously, a recovery move which Donphan didn't have.
I am wondering though if I should go for a more offensive set instead or something...


Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EV's: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 SpD
Nature: Adamant (+Atk -SpA)
-Bullet Punch

Scizor, the Choice Band user. U-Turn is strong STAB scout move, Bullet Punch is a STAB priority move boosted by Technician, Superpower is a strong coverage move for types that resist other moves such as Steel, and Pursuit for predicted switches, or non-predicted, since it will be boosted by Technician anyway!


Heatran @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Flash Fire
EV's: 252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe
Nature: Timid
-Fire Blast
-Earth Power
-HP Grass
-Stealth Rock

Heatran has Fire Blast for a strong STAB fire attack, Earth Power for a strong special Ground move, and HP Grass for coverage. Heatran is also a Stealth Rock user instead of Donphan who has been taken off anyway.



Donphan @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EV's: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spe
Nature: Impish (+Def -SpA)
-Rapid Spin
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard

Donphan is my Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin user. Set-up Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin if needed. Earthquake is for STAB Ground move and Toxic is to whittle down foes' that resist Earthquake or Stallers/Walls.​
Ugh, is there something wrong with this RMT now too?
On the other hand, I totally forgot about Sandslash. I could use Jolly+Sandrush set. What do you think?
One thing stands out to me immediately on this team: Ice Shard over Toxic on Donphan. Ice-type priority is incredibly useful, with the abundance of dragons and genies nowadays.
Also, I'd go with some of Terrakion's EVs in Sp. Def. instead of Def., seeing as with the Sp. Def. Boost from sand it gives you a much greater ability to switch in.
Puff said:
One thing stands out to me immediately on this team: Ice Shard over Toxic on Donphan. Ice-type priority is incredibly useful, with the abundance of dragons and genies nowadays.
Also, I'd go with some of Terrakion's EVs in Sp. Def. instead of Def., seeing as with the Sp. Def. Boost from sand it gives you a much greater ability to switch in.

Oh, I guess I should have thought of SpDef EV's. I'll fix my OP. Thanks!
Just because you are using Sand Stream does not mean every single one of your pokemon have to be immune to the passive damage.

This team needs a water resistance because it has none. Rotom-W, Celebi, Starmie, Jellicent, Ferrothorn... one of them should go on your team.

I would use Starmie over Donphan because both of them use Rapid Spin, you can fit Stealth Rock onto either Tyranitar or Hetran with no issues, and Starmie retains the Ice attack that you wanted Donphan to use.

Since you're so weak to Rotom-W, I would consider using an offensive Heatran set with HP Grass. Try
Heatran @Leftovers/Life Orb
Naive nature
Trait: Flash Fire
252 SpAtk/4 SpDef/252 Spe
~Fire Blast
~Earth Power
~Hidden Power Grass
~Stealth Rock

I would also use Rock Polish instead of Substitute on Terrakion. This way, depending on what the situation calls for, you can pick between Swords Dance to break stall, or Rock Polish to outspeed and threaten fast Pokémon such as Latios, Tornadus-T, and Choice Scarf Rotom-W. This is much better than your last team, I think this one has some serious potential.
One Approved said:
Just because you are using Sand Stream does not mean every single one of your pokemon have to be immune to the passive damage.

This team needs a water resistance because it has none. Rotom-W, Celebi, Starmie, Jellicent, Ferrothorn... one of them should go on your team.

I would use Starmie over Donphan because both of them use Rapid Spin, you can fit Stealth Rock onto either Tyranitar or Hetran with no issues, and Starmie retains the Ice attack that you wanted Donphan to use.

Since you're so weak to Rotom-W, I would consider using an offensive Heatran set with HP Grass. Try
Heatran @Leftovers/Life Orb
Naive nature
Trait: Flash Fire
252 SpAtk/4 SpDef/252 Spe
~Fire Blast
~Earth Power
~Hidden Power Grass
~Stealth Rock

I would also use Rock Polish instead of Substitute on Terrakion. This way, depending on what the situation calls for, you can pick between Swords Dance to break stall, or Rock Polish to outspeed and threaten fast Pokémon such as Latios, Tornadus-T, and Choice Scarf Rotom-W. This is much better than your last team, I think this one has some serious potential.

Thank you for the great suggestions! I will defiantly fix my team. I was originally thinking of Offensive Heatran but wasn't sure. Also Starmie is a good idea over Donphan for water resistance. Thanks!

EDIT: Wait doesn't Naive lower Special Defense?
You currently have a near automatic loss to any Pokemon with a strong Fighting STAB (think Terrakion) as well as Drizzle teams in general, so these are things you'll really want to cover. Gliscor over Donphan is a natural choice as it grants you a Fighting resist as well as something that can switch into Earthquake. Donphan's only real niche is Rapid Spin but your team isn't exactly crying out for that kind of support. I would probably ditch Lucario in favour of a Water resist of some kind, try out Celebi or Latias to cover your bases against Specs Politoed and friends as well as handing you a second Ground/Fighting switch-in.
Okay, let me make my update. I put Starmie over Donphan already, but I could use Gliscor instead. Then put Latias or Celebi over Lucario maybe?