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Snip Bench - (Hydreigon Yanmega).


Aspiring Trainer
This is a new Deck

3-2-3 Hydreigon
3-3 Yanmega
1 Elekid
1 Cleffa
1 Jirachi
1 Cobalion

4 Copycat
3 Judge
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Juniper
1 Twins
3 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Junk Arm
1 Super Rod


4 {C}{C} Double colorless
4 {D} Special
2 {P}
2 {M} Special

The strategy is sniping the bench with Yanmega and Hydreigon,and devolve with Jirachi...Cobalion is counter to Kyurem
RE: Snip Bench

you need to add kyurem this would be my list

3-2-3 hydreigon
2-2 yanmega
3 kyurem
1 elekid
1 jirachi
1 shaymin

4 juniper
4 collector
4 pokemon comunication
4 junk arm
3 judge
4 candy
1 twins
1 switch
3 catcher
2 super rod

4 double colorless
4 water
4 rainbow energy