Pokemon: 13
4x Deoxys Ex [Plasma]
4x Snorlax [Plasma]
2-1-2 Crowbat [Plasma]
Energy: 12
4x Plasma Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
6x Psychic Energy
S/S/T/T: 35
3x Colress
4x N
2x Team Plasma Grunt
2x Juniper
2x Skyla
2x Rare Candy
1x Plasma Gym
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Colress Machine
1x Scramble Switch
2x Revive
1x Tool Scrapper
4x Plasma Ball
2x Eviolite
2x Switch
Main attacker is obviously Snorlax, by himself he can hit for a max of 150 Damage, but with the Deoxys's it can pump up to a max of 190 being able to OhKo any Ex in the format right now [so its a lot like garchomp altaria, except with basic pokemon instead.], I included the Crobats for extra draw, and he shares the same energy as deoxys, so it wouldn't be like say dragging up magnizone who can't attack at all. he can also poison something for 80 damage after one poison [his 40 and then the poison], and Zubat has free retreat which is nice. I chose scramble switch as the ACE-spec because it lets you retreat, and move energy onto snorlax, which could be a problem.
4x Deoxys Ex [Plasma]
4x Snorlax [Plasma]
2-1-2 Crowbat [Plasma]
Energy: 12
4x Plasma Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
6x Psychic Energy
S/S/T/T: 35
3x Colress
4x N
2x Team Plasma Grunt
2x Juniper
2x Skyla
2x Rare Candy
1x Plasma Gym
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Colress Machine
1x Scramble Switch
2x Revive
1x Tool Scrapper
4x Plasma Ball
2x Eviolite
2x Switch
Main attacker is obviously Snorlax, by himself he can hit for a max of 150 Damage, but with the Deoxys's it can pump up to a max of 190 being able to OhKo any Ex in the format right now [so its a lot like garchomp altaria, except with basic pokemon instead.], I included the Crobats for extra draw, and he shares the same energy as deoxys, so it wouldn't be like say dragging up magnizone who can't attack at all. he can also poison something for 80 damage after one poison [his 40 and then the poison], and Zubat has free retreat which is nice. I chose scramble switch as the ACE-spec because it lets you retreat, and move energy onto snorlax, which could be a problem.