Ruling Snow Cloak vs Speed Shot


Aspiring Trainer
I was wondering what would happen if I attacked with my Glaceon using Snow Cloak and flipped heads, then my opponent attacked with Magnezone using Speed Shot?

Snow Cloak says if heads prevent all effects of an attack, including damage done to Glaceon during your opponents next turn.

Speed Shot says Choose 1 of your opponents Pokemon and do 30 damage to that Pokemon ignoring weakness, resistance, Poke-powers, Poke-bodies or any other effects on that Pokemon.

Does Speed Shot get around the Snow Cloak effect?
Yes, you may attack Glaceon.

When it says prevent all effects of attacks including damage, that effect is put on Glaceon. Speed Shot ignores the effect on Glaceon.
Would an attack like Speed Shot also get around an attack like Sand Attack? Would I still have to flip first to see if I can attack?
You already answered that question yourself. Attacks like speed shot ignoring all effects on that pokemon so it bypass sand attack's effect.
Actually, Speed Shot would not get around Sand Attack. I am assuming that you mean Sand Attack was used on Magnezone and Zone is attacking with Speed Shot. Speed Shot would not get around the Sand Attack effect, the effect of Sand Attack is on Magnezone, not the Pokemon you are attacking. Speed Shot only ignore effects that are on the target of the 30 damage, not effects that are on Magnezone.