Some Help for Cities...


So.. I'm wondering if I should be playing T2 Machamp or Scizor/Cherrim
for the upcoming cities. Which one would you think go better against the metagame? I think most of the Metagame here is Kingdra, Dusknoir, Gengar and Raichu with a hint of Heatran.

I'm not too sure as I haven't really been scouting my area for quite some time. Any help on this or decks played in Subang (Malaysia) would be nice. Thanks in advance.

PS: If this is in the wrong section. Please feel free to move it. I'm not too sure where to post this.. Haven't been making threads on PB for quite some time =P
pokemanic said:
I would say T2 Machamp. IMO I think that this deck is very great and is way eaiser to play than scizor.

Outside of Kingdra, scizor is the easiest to play. Its all basics and stage ones, low energy costs.

My cities had a ton of Grass. I played Scizor and wished I had played my InferTran deck. There are good machamp decks and some very poor ones. make sure your's is a good one if you play it or you will be disappointed.
I tried Infertran at cities and it wasn't too bad, but it was slow to get everything out at the right time.
For your Meta game, Scizor/Cherrim. Make sure you know how to play it, because it is reasonably hard to use.