Some late, last-minute help...


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and am taking my son to his first Pokemon league tomorrow night.

The league is VERY casual so I thought I'd be able to throw something together for him fairly quickly but sadly an endless amount of work has left me scrambling to build him something.

He's really into Judo so he has requested that I build him a Throh-centric deck.

I know it is late but can anyone help me cobble something together that I can build before I go to bed tonight?

I truly appreciate any help.


Mr. Meowth
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and am taking my son to his first Pokemon league tomorrow night.

The league is VERY casual so I thought I'd be able to throw something together for him fairly quickly but sadly an endless amount of work has left me scrambling to build him something.

He's really into Judo so he has requested that I build him a Throh-centric deck.

I know it is late but can anyone help me cobble something together that I can build before I go to bed tonight?

I truly appreciate any help.


Mr. Meowth

Would you be able to enlighten us on what cards you have available? And what format the league is? Whether you are able to use cards from the BW-on sets or the XY-on sets?
Yes, sorry.

We currently have mostly cards from XY-On. We have the last version of Throh (and Sauk) printed as well.

The league isn't very strict but I would say its mostly XY-On though I'm 100% sure they wouldn't mind too much if there were some older Mons in the deck.

a very rough guideline.
run 30 trainers/supports. 15 pokemon. 15 energy.
the name of the game is to work as many cards through your hand per turn as possible.
run x4 Junipers/sycamore/N/Colress/Shauna (not sure what you have).
run Ultraball, Level Ball, cards to get your pokemon.

do NOT rely on just drawing 1 card per turn as your primary method.

do not worry about discarding a full hand of cards. its no use to have a lot of cards left in the deck if you still lose the game.
see if you have some fighting support cards/stadiums. like strong energy, muscle band, etc...

run x4 of Throh and Sawk.
good luck.
tell your son not to get discouraged if he doesn't win in the beginning.
my son started at 7 and couple years ago.
Last season, he qualified for Worlds in Aug in Boston.
We will make serious another run at Worlds this year.
if your son winds up enjoying pokemon and wants to get competitive, chances are that he'll migrate to one of the more
"popular" and "consistent decks. typically there are around 6-8 variants that are the top decks at any time.