Some of the Older Stuff


Member you guys rmb any pokemon that has not been appearing in pokemon TCG lately ?

for me it's Primeape, Kangaskhan, Forettres, Hypno, Wigglytuff
Starmie, Golduck...oh and how about Cloyster...i wonder why so little of their cards have come out..if i rmb correctly..i don't think the ever was a primeape since

Last of appearance of:

Primeape: In Holon Phantoms
Kangaskhan: In Fire Red Leaf Green
Forretress: In Unseen Forces
Hypno: In Delta Species
Wigglytuff: In Crystal Guardian
Starmie: In Delta Species
Golduck: In Secret Wonders
Cloyster: In Secret Wonders(Still new)

EDIT: Edited Golduck's last appearance. Thanks to GPM.. :)
ooh..i didn't know there was a clyster in SW...haha...
but you gotta admit..Kangaskhan has not been printed for a year +...and i think that's sad
i rmb last time..the kangkhaskan from base was good..a lot of ppl wanted it..haha
Try 2 years and going. :D, seriously. FR/LG was in 04.. it's 07.. but late 04.. and it's late 07.. not sure wheter 2/3 years... but it's definitely more than 1 year :p.
woah..don't even rmb..=\
so can you guys think of anything else that has not been published/printed recently?'s one...Grumpig..i rmb seeing it in EX emerald..has it come out again?
If the rumours are true about every pokemon appearing in the first 5 d/p sets, then we should see some of these soon. I think it is a shame that some pokemon just don't seem to appear much, but it also depends how popular the cards are.
I like Torkoal, but there're only like two cards for him, and neither are as good as he is in the video games. :(
yeah..i agree torkoal roxx in the just lacks speed..back to topic

wow..if they all are coming out in the first few DP sets..i think it would be great..get to see all the old pokemon back in action
i hope they make a good kangaskhan ...

oh..and how about lanturn and Piloswine..also gorebyss and Huntail..=X
Well, maybe you haven't heard of this nifty new invention called a Mamoswine.

Who is as of yet unannounced though, it'll probably be out in DP5.
Well don't expect Kadabra ever again (Or at least a long while) because of the whole trouple with the sueing. After all he hasn't been printed since Sky Ridge.
oh yeah..saw that on really up to date..*salute?*
and to MKen...KADABRA WAS SUED?! i didn't know that?..i knew a looooooong time ago Jynx was sued cuz sometimes it's black and other it was purple and some ppl found it insulting..
and..i think that explains the reason of Abra's Ultra Evolutio and Kadabra missing in MT...
thx for the info
Some other Pokemon that haven't been seen for a while (sorry if some of these actually have been in a recent set):

The pink fairy dog thing (can't even remember the name)
Pidgey and its evolutions

I'm sure there are others too.
AlanJLegend said:
Some other Pokemon that haven't been seen for a while (sorry if some of these actually have been in a recent set):

Last seen in EX Unseen Forces..
Last seen in EX Unseen Forces..
The pink fairy dog thing (can't even remember the name)
It is in Secret Wonders..
Last seen in EX Holon Phantoms..
Pidgey and its evolutions
It is in Secret Wonders...

I'm sure there are others too. fairy dog as in snubull and granbull? the last time i saw those were in EX Unseen Forces
oh..and also Omastar..but i think it's coming out in DP4
banditkeith said: fairy dog as in snubull and granbull? the last time i saw those were in EX Unseen Forces
oh..and also Omastar..but i think it's coming out in DP4
Yes, it is coming out in Great Encounters. Even if its not coming out in DP 4, Omastar last appearance was in EX Power Keepers & that is not old yet...