Some Questions on Pokemon


Working on FFS Deck
I have some questions that are in my mind and I want answers for them.

1) What's POP job?
2) What's PUI job?
3) Does Nintendo still do anything to Pokemon TCG?
4) What company design the cards?
5) Who take care of business in Japan?
6) What's the last set Wizards made?
7) Can someone explain to me how Wizards screwed up with Pokemon which led Nintendo to take the liscence (sp?) from them?

I know these are a lot of questions, but I really want to know their answers.

A lot of thanks in advance.
hmmm, I'll do the best I can

1. to handle all aspects of organized play.
2. to handle with all aspects of pokemon.
3. yes, they are in charge of it (PUI is underneath Nintendo)
4. PCL in Japan.
5. no idea
6. Neo: Destiny
7. Wizards cut back on almost everything on the 15 + because they wanted them to play Magic: the Gathering. For example, they took away and almost all prizes except for cards.
I have no idea, my account was just... removed. I was able to re-register under the same name, however.
The last set to be made was skyridge not neo destiny and they made 2 other sets but never released them because they stopped with the sets before they released them but no word on the card names.:)
^ He's correct, for some reason I thought that the E-card sets were Nintendo, but they were Wizards.
RE:  Some Questions on Pokemon

xxashxx said:
The last set to be made was skyridge not neo destiny and they made 2 other sets but never released them because they stopped with the sets before they released them but no word on the card names.:)
yeah, I loved VS set, I have some cards from it, too bad it never got here
They had them ready to be released but they shut down before the could release them.:)
I thought VS was a completely different game and therefore it wasn't released outside of Japan. For example, there weren't evolutions and the pokemon were a lot weaker.
RE:  Some Questions on Pokemon

Whicker said:
I thought VS was a completely different game and therefore it wasn't released outside of Japan. For example, there weren't evolutions and the pokemon were a lot weaker.
*long time ago*
the new VS are jap-exclusive, they made them specail-only-in-japan-movie sets
the old ones where sold at my league, I didn't buy them, just traded to get some, cause we got info that they would be released in English, but they never did, well, I have a few VSs now, my shop only have 2 boosters left, but nobody buys them, so I'll wait until I have money to spend
I wish we would get them but oh well we have better sets anyway.:)