RSE/FRLG Some Ruby N00b questions...(answered)


Ladies And Gents: I'm Back!!
I'm getting a pre-owned Ruby tomarrow and I got a couple of questions so I'm not wasting ANY time on it.

Q1: Is there anyway besides SRing I can get my starter at a certain nature?

Q2: Does the Sync effect work on Ruby?

Q3: Can I Masuda Method on Ruby?

Thanks a lot, ~JS
RE: Some Ruby N00b questions...

Q1: Not without an AR or Game Shark.
Q2: No, it only works on Emerald or later.
Q3: I think the Masuda method only works in Gen 4 or later.
RE: Some Ruby N00b questions...

^ Well if you're correct with all the answers, that sucks for me. Thanks anyway Hyperbeem! ~JS