Someone please explain to me what "lines" mean!

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Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I was thinking about making my own Viletomb deck, and I saw this in the tutorial.

To run a VileTomb lock, you will most likely want to play 4 Spiritomb and at least a 1-1-1 Vileplume line. To help ensure a quick Spiritomb start, I recommend playing Call Energies and Pokemon Collectors.
What's that mean?
A line is a Pokemon Line, which goes x Basic-x Stage 1-x Stage 2-x LV.X. So for the Vileplume line, they mean: 1 Oddish, 1 Gloom, and 1 Vileplume. Another example could be a 3-2-3-1 Gengar LV.X line, meaning 3 Gastly, 2 Haunter, 3 Gengar, and 1 Gengar LV.X. It is a much easier way for people to see your decks and how many of each stage you have.

I hoped this helped, and that it wasn't confusing...
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