Sonic Adventure being ported to 360 and PS3 in fall


Aspiring Trainer
I'm already about to jump off the walls with glee since hearing this information.
Sonic Adventure is my favorite sonic 3D game and one of my top favorite sonic games. Crazy taxi is also being ported as well. I hope Sega ports many more Dreamcast games, possibly sonic adventure 2.
Please discuss speculations, rumors, opinions, and thoughts here.
So far only 3 screen-shots have been uploaded on the site, hopefully soon they will upload some kind of trailer to for we can at least see a few scenes.
My only question is it going to be the original game or the director's cut/DX version that was ported to the GameCube? I've heard rumors that you download the original game and then for some extra points/cash you can upgrade to the director's cut/DX version.
I still have my GC SADX so this dosen't do much for me, however this is great for those who don't have it.

And I should hope they wouldn't just release the DC version and then have you "upgrade". Sounds like a stupid rumor actually, how would they even be able to do that, they are practically 2 separate games.
Well darn, I don't have a 360 or PS3.

Not that it matters, I still have SA1 for the Gamecube. Still, this is my second favorite Sonic game, next to SA2B, the sequel. Speaking of SA2B, I wonder if it'll be ported sometime as well?

But SA1's Chao Garden was pretty primitive compared to SA2's. I wonder if they're going to make it fuly fleshed out, like SA2's was?

People always complained about the Sonic Adventure games, but whatever they may say, I had waaaay more fun with them than any of the sidescrollers. Just sayin' ;o
I once had it and sold it for some unknown reason.This is excellent news though.Now I can re experience the game that I loved and cherised so much.Thanks for the news.