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SP Fire!!! (Infernape4/GarchompC) Masters CIty's Championship

Wish Maker

Aspiring Trainer
Hello, I am new using SP decks but I am trying other than LuxrayGL because I hate all using the same decks, hahahahahaha!!!!!!

HELP PLEASE!!! Explain please, I'm new to SP's

2 Infernape 4
2 Infernape 4 LV.X
2 Garchomp C
2 Garchomp C LV.X
1 Dialga G
1 Dialga G LV.X
1 Heatran AR
1 Heatran LV.X
3 Uxie LA
1 Bronzong G

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Energy Gain
4 Poke Turn
2 SP-Radar
3 Power Spray
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
2 Aaron's Collection
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball


TOTAL 56 Need 4 more

STRATEGY: Infernape4 to spread, KO with 100. Garchomp to snipe and mirror matches of GarchompC. Dialga for bodies that Lock SP's (Vileplume, Spiritomb, Mewtwo, Donphan) Heatran to recover Infernape4 energies. Expert Belt to mirror OHKO up to 120 HP SP. Need help!!! Thanks in advance!!!
You're running Uxie, so just tech in 4 Super Scoop Up. They're amazing(provided you get heads) and help you heal your manz and re-use Uxie. Also, this is just my opinion, but i'd ditch Heatran Lv. X. Yes, he helps out Infernape 4, but is incredibly slow without Level Max or warp points/switches. It's also completely game destroying if he gets Bright Looked active, because he retreats for 4, and if you play other SP decks, he no doubt will. I'd also drop 1 E-Gain(you can re-use them with Poke-Turn) for another Sp Radar(like Bebe's for SP manz). Most SP decks run 3.
Heatran can defend itself with its previous level attack- Maybe adding Switches, and a BlazikenFB, abusing of Heatran's Body.
SSU's are a good options for the mirror since Uxies are Power Sprayed

THANKS!!! Anyhting else?