SP vs. SPread


yes please
The more and more I realize how much I like spread and/or snipe decks, the more I see the rising rivals of the SP variety and their beloved poketurn. Now, as the advent of Alakazam 4 lvX gives SP another tool on their belt, my question is this:

Is spread an effective tactic against the majority of SP-based decks? How would such a spreading deck combat the effects of Alakazam4 and poketurn? Should the spreading decks focus more on getting some damage around and then sniping rather than go for the multi-ko's? (as impressive as they are)
I don't think a spread deck would do too well against sps as firstly as you have stated that alakazam 4 has become a great card as it moves around damage counters and then just poketurn that crobat and you have saved your acitve and maybe some of the bench. if you can get a spread that does like 40-50 then you are on to something but for now its not really viable
Hi, my name is Aerodactyl. I just LOVE punching holes into wise-ass Alakazams. Thank you for your time.
MD aerodactyl's body puts 2 damage counter to the opponents pokemon that uses poke power so since alakazam's power is "as much as you like" he cant move counters without being hit by it. just think of this.. ur moving one damage counter from your SP pokemon to the other in exchange for alakazam having 2 damage counter for no cost..
But would people waste spaces for it? its not going to be teched in, also alakazam power is nice but not required as people have done well without it before it is just a nice card to use
why not.. i was planning to tech it in my deck. but im afraid if sumone smart enough to tech in a 1-1 dialga G lv.x in their deck.. then there's no problem in alakazam moving damage counters since aerodactyl's body is being shut down..
sort of.. alakazam is a great tech though.. it works well with golem 4 and turtwig GL..
Can we stay on topic though? I'm just trying to strategymon here and talk about the influence of SP pokemon on the metagame as a whole, more specifically their effect on spread decks.