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Spark of Insanity (Heliolisk / Milotic)


Aspiring Trainer


  • 3-3 Heliolisk (Valavola Spark)
    3-3 Milotic (Energy Grace)
    1 Mr. Mime (Bench Barrier)
    2-2 Electrode (Magnetic Draw)

  • 3 Lysandre's Last Resort
    4 Skyla
    2 Sycamore
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Virbank City Gym
    1 Life Dew
    3 Bicycle
    4 Battle Compressor
    3 Silver Bangle
    2 Evosoda
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 VS Seeker

  • 9 Lightning Energy

new cards from phantom gate:


Helioptile - Lightning - HP60
Basic Pokemon

[L][C] Tail Rap: 10x damage. Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Metal (-20)
Retreat: 1


Heliolisk - Lightning - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Helioptile

[L] Pound: 30 damage.
[L][C] Valavola Spark: 30x damage. You may discard as many [L] Energy from your Pokemon as you like. This attack does 30 damage times the number of [L] Energy you discarded.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Metal (-20)
Retreat: 1


Lysandre's Last Resort – Trainer

Both player shuffle all cards from their discard pile back into their deck (excluding any Lysandre's Last Resort).

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).


Battle Compressor - Trainer
Item (Team Flare Gear)

Search your deck for up to 3 cards and discard them. Shuffle your deck afterward.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).

(just a warning... this is a very non- serious deck. but could be tons of fun to play)

Im back with another fun deck. This deck is pretty explosive to say the least. Although Im pretty sure it has an equal chance to just explode on your own face ^^
Basically what this deck aims to do is power up the very expensive Valavola Spark attack every single turn, by using energy grace every turn. This means 4 energy can be put onto heliolisk that turn, giving him 120 damage. This turns to 150 with a silver bangle, and 180 with laserbank. With a life dew on Milotic, you aren't giving up a prize in return and can ohko an EX. Now what makes this deck quite explosive is that you then want to try and regain that life dew as quickly as possible to use it again the next turn or the turn afterwards, as well as putting 3 additional lightning energy back into the discard. Firstly, this needs Lysandre's Last Resort to bring back life dew. Next, there are many cards included to chop through the deck and get a milotic back, discard the lightning energy and find the soul dew. The slow way is to use LLR turn 1, then Skyla turn 2 for life dew. But with electrodes and 4 battle compressors and bicycle, you can hopefully cut through about half of the deck in a single turn. There's only 2 sycamores in this because there really isnt much time to use them- however they are shuffled back into the deck every time you use lysandres last resort, as well as can be retrieved with VS Seeker. Skylas can also be used to grab bicycles. I want to be using lysandre's last resort ideally every turn, and failing that I want to be using a skyla the next turn to get myself back on track. But good use of battle compressors to cut out unnecessary cards will speed you up a lot at the start I'm hoping, as well as good use of bicycle. This deck can afford to do this due to having lysandre's last resort to keep shuffling your discards back into your deck and starting again, and then using the VS seeker to bring back the LLR. Hypnotoxic Laser works really well with being reshuffled into the deck repeatedly because it can really help if things are slowing down for you.

So conclude... this deck really is reckless and probably going to crash and burn regularly although I'm dying to test it out. Some changes I am already considering is much more emphasis on supporters and replacing the electrodes with magnezones with dual brains, letting me play LLR as well as a sycamore in the same turn. Perhaps this would burn through my deck even faster. Also I could lose 1-1 milotic since they are getting shuffled in repeatedly by LLR. That could give me more supporters, or more draw support. And then another thought was to perhaps include 1-2 water energy so that milotic could knock out landorus EXs with its attack and a silver bangle- it could get instantly charged up by another milotic too, with the water energy searched out and discarded by battle compactor. This is a fun deck and really is mainly about fun... so hopefully noone will tell me that this deck has problems being too serious or to change the key aspects. But criticism on how to improve the decks current playstyle is much appreciated.
Have you thought about running something like Emboar in Milotic's place? I feel as though you can abuse more discard and acceleration that way without giving up a prize. Plus, you can run backup attackers, like Charizard EX. Actually, I'm quite fond of the Stoke one, myself, and that might actually prove beneficial for you.

Moreover, have you thought about using Mew EX in this deck along with Dimensional Valley from this next set, which is a stadium that reduces the attack cost of Psychic Pokemon by a single colorless, making Mew able to use Heliolisk's attack for one Electric? It also hits Lucario and Mewtwo for weakness, adding in to the goodness.

Another option you could do is run Bronzong instead of Milotic. Bronzong, being an Eelectrik NVI clone for Steel, you can pile on a good deal of Energy rather quickly, lessening the necessity of a Laserbank.

But another option (and I quite like this one) is that you can run Magnezone so you can Lysandre's Last Resort back the Life Dew and then Skyla for it again, only to use another Milotic to OHKO pretty much anything without losing a prize or any Energy on Heliolisk. Of course, it is a stage 2, and I would run a thin line of it in the Laserbank's place.

So for this one, which I would personally do, myself:

-3 Hypnotoxic Laser
-3 Virbank City Gym
+2 Magnezone
+2 Magneton
+2 Magnemite

I would also just generally remove the Electrode and the Bicycle for VS Seeker (too good to pass up with that Supporter retrieval ability) and other draw power like Ultra Ball. Like the discard or not, it allows you to discard more Electric Energy, which is always a good thing.

-2 Electrode
-2 Voltorb
-3 Bicycle
+3 VS Seeker
+2 Ultra Ball
+2 Evosoda (Four Evosoda because you aren't running Rare Candy and you kind of want a Magnezone out. I forwent the Candies because Seismetoad is a thing, thus eliminating your Rare Candy ability. You aren't going to get it out quick, but you're still probably going to get it out.)

One thing that I would like you to keep in mind is that you can Deck Compressor that Fan Club in your deck so you can VS Seeker it into your hand, ergo almost always getting a turn one Fan Club without it cluttering your deck. It's insanely good.

Another thing that I would like to impart upon you is the possibility of using a Xerosic in this deck, something that could possibly remove a Tool under Seismetoad. You can also VS Seeker for it after you dump it from a Deck Compressor. I might look into taking out a Startling Megaphone for it.

You should also consider running Iris in this deck, especially since you're running Milotic. Iris gets really good with Deck Compressor and VS Seeker, and I don't think you should pass it up.

Hope I helped! :D
Yea the Magnezone thing was something I was definitely considering. I think perhaps that could be a good direction for the deck but I will look into it some more before I make any changes right now. Also Valavola spark only discards lightning energy from your pokemon, so that means no bronzong, emboar or anything like that. It has to be milotic to get the lightning energy into play through an ability since nothing else can do it.

Thanks for the feedback. I have a strong feeling that Magnezone will be a real struggle to add into the deck if I still want to achieve ohkos (laserbank somewhat essential for this, which makes me opposed to mew ex and dimensional valley too- as well as mew EX cant be attached to with energy grace since its an EX) but Ill try and make it work.