If its your pokemon who gets knocked out, the opponent takes a prize. If the defending pokemon is knocked out, you take a prize. Who gets knocked out, the opponent have to take a prize (ex takes 2)
it's easy:
your opponent's pokemon gets KOed, bye no matter what, you take a prize and the other way around
special condition KO is like a normal KO, get it?
maybe try getting a rulebook, all the basic rules are in there
unless the pokemon have pokepower/body that says opp does not take a prize when this pokemon is knockout or smething like that...
can't rem which pokemon and wats the exact wording. other than that it's like a norm KO.
unless the pokemon have pokepower/body that says opp does not take a prize when this pokemon is knockout or smething like that...
can't rem which pokemon and wats the exact wording. other than that it's like a norm KO.