Ruling Special Conditions before the Termonology

I was wondering if any text from cards that came out before Special Conditions were introduced that listed the four Special Conditions from the time would include all special conditions. Like, the Neo Discovery Butterfree's Magic Dust says, "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed or Poisoned (your choice)." Should one treat it as saying, "Flip a coin. If heads, choose a Special Condition. The Defending Pokemon is now effected by that Special Condition."?
No, you have to go by what it says on the latest printing of the card. Since that card didn't have a later printing, you have to go by those 4 conditions.
Also, if a card from the Johto set has a power that can't be used if affected by a Special Condition, then being Burned would shut it off as that is a Special Condition (despite not existing back then).