Special energy for every type?


This was a thought that just occurred to me, since they have special energy for dark and metal, why not make one for every type? They could each have a unique effect, here were some ideas that came to mind

{G} Remove 1 damage counter from the Pokemon it's attached to between turns.

This could help grass decks with their tankability, especially in conjunction with cards like Landmin and Leafeon RR. I think this deck would shoot things like Tangrowth up in the tier list.

{W} Any damaging attacks will also do 10 damage to one benched Pokemon.

Following with a common water theme of spreading/sniping, not too much help to any decks, but it's what makes sense to me.

{L} You can discard this energy for your attack to do 20 more damage, but not as part of an attack cost.

This is a common theme I have seen for lightning Pokemon. It could help some decks with a bigger damage output, and namely help Luxray out (as if it needs any more help) in being able to do 80 to anything on the field barring Power Spray.

These were just some ideas I have, any opinions/suggestions?
I always thought thay they would soon do this. I think it would be cool. Some other cool energy ideas:

Retreat energy-cuts the cost of retreat by 1 for each enregy.

weakness removal energy- If your poke has this energy then is has no weakness.

Boost energy- +10Hp for each of these energy

Power plus energy- if you attach this energy to your pokemon he may use its pokepower again.

Halo energy + (like poke drawers) - If you have one of these energy attached to your pokemon and it gets knocked out you may flip a coin, if head do 20 damage to the attacking pokemon. If you have 2 halo energy + when this pokemon is knocked out flip a coin, if head then the defending pokemon is knocked out.

Revive energy + : If your poke is knocked out and has 1 attached then you flip a coin. If head remove 1 damage from all your benched pokemon. If you have 2 and get knocked out. flip a coin if heads you are not knocked out and instead have 10hp left.
We already have Boost Energy. Sure its out of format...
The effects should be limited. Your Grass energy would quickly become too strong, so it should be limited to one a poke a turn. Here are a few other ideas...
Fire - When the pokemon with this one attacks, flip a coin, if heads, BURN.
Psychic - When the pokemon with this one attacks, flip a coin. If heads, Confusion.
Fight - Do not apply any resistance to the defending poke.
This is an awesome idea!! I hope they make some special energys for other types.

I agree, the grass would be too powerful.
Me and a friend were thinking about this last night. wierdly

we though of these ideas (they only work on pokemon of the same type remember)

{L} Circuit energy if this energy is discarded by use of an attack return it to your hand instead.

{W} Wash energy, as long as the pokemon this energy is attatched to is active, at any time during your turn you may remove all effects on that pokemon and or the defending pokemon

{G} Camo Energy, The pokemon this card is attatched to cannot be damaged when on the bench.

{P} Teleport Energy, The pokemon the energy is attatched to may Switch with your active pokemon at any time during your turn.

{F} Force energy, If The pokemon this energy is attatched to attacks. You may have your opponent switch there pokemon with one of there benched pokemon

{R} Flare Energy, If the pokemong this energy is attatched to attacks they may do and extra 20 damage. if they do they do 10 damage to themselves.

{C} Colourfull Energy, the pokemon this energy is attatched to can before it attacks change its type to any other type for the rest of there turn.
Lou Cypher said:
The Colourfull one would be quite overpowered, able to hit on any weakness is quite OP.

How about

{C} Colourful energy, The pokemon this energy is attatched to counts as every type of pokemon, and it's weakness is now to every type of pokemon.

so its every type hits both weakness and resistance (like kecleon) but weak to every type

But theres one big problem with having a special energy for each type.
Dark and steel pokemon are usually a bit weaker then every other type. but due to the fact they can use there unique special energies makes them better. Dark pokemon usually have weaker attacks than the rest but can abuse darkness energy.
and steel pokemon have very very few effects to there attacks. and have very few poke bodies. metal energy makes up for this
I've always wanted these. I thought it would be really cool. The ones I've thought of:

{G} The Pokemon takes 10 less damage from attacks. (Kind of like SeaLegend's, but I've had this idea in my head for a while)
{R} You may discard this energy as an effect of an attack. If you do, discard an energy attached to the defending Pokemon.
{F} You may do 10 damage to each of your benched Pokemon as an effect of an attack. If you do, the attack you used does 20 more damage.
{P} You may flip a coin as an effect of an attack. If heads, choose a special condition. Both your active Pokemon and the defending Pokemon are now affected by that special condition. (If either Pokemon would not be affected by the special condition, neither Pokemon will be affected)
daviduk2000 said:
How about

{C} Colourful energy, The pokemon this energy is attatched to counts as every type of pokemon, and it's weakness is now to every type of pokemon.

so its every type hits both weakness and resistance (like kecleon) but weak to every type

But theres one big problem with having a special energy for each type.
Dark and steel pokemon are usually a bit weaker then every other type. but due to the fact they can use there unique special energies makes them better. Dark pokemon usually have weaker attacks than the rest but can abuse darkness energy.
and steel pokemon have very very few effects to there attacks. and have very few poke bodies. metal energy makes up for this
What if you flip a coin, if heads, choose any type you want your Pokemon to be.
Here are some Joke ones...

{L} Bright Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, choose your opponent's Luxray GL and switch it with the defending Pokemon.

{C} Dragon Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, inflict 80 damage to your opponent's Garchomp C. If you do, your turn ends.

{P} Plunge Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, search your opponents deck for a Gengar and put it in the Lost Zone. If you do, your turn ends

{W} Splash Energy: You may flip a coin, If heads, put a damage counter on each of your opponent's Kingdra.

{F} Quake Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, your opponents Donphan and/or Machamp is now poisoned. Place 2 damage counters in between turns instead of 1.

{G} Flower Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, Your opponent's Vileplumes can't use any pokebodies during their next turn.

{R} Formation Energy: You may flip a coin. If heads, inflict 10x the number of {R} Pokemon on your opponents bench to your opponent's active Charizard.

I got the idea from cards like
