Special Rules Tournaments


Pokemon Professor
Back when I still had time to go to Pokemon League we would host unofficial mini tournaments with special rules. We would each buy a booster pack and put it into the pile for the winnings and split it fairly among the winning 3 or 4 players.

Some of the rules where really fun and changed up how you played pokemon.

Level Ball - all pokemon must be 90hp or less.

Big Boys - stage 1 pokemon are basics, basics aren't allowed.

Heavy Ball - all pokemon must have 3 or more retreat cost.

No EX's - explains itself.

I was wondering if anyone else did this or knew of some other rules that might spice up the game.
My local events do bucket mutant drafts. The entry fee is 6 packs or $25. We mix as many different packs as we can get, and pull 6 packs per person out of a bucket. You then do a mutant draft with them. :) We also enjoy double battle tournaments and deck swap tournaments. Just be creative and have fun with it :)
Whoa, those sound like some pretty cool ideas. Now then, the Leagues I personally go to don't have any special-rule tournaments, but the closest thing we have is a monthly unlimited tournament! Yeesh. But y'know, its always Donk Champ or PoryDonk in that format. I'd love to try a Double Battle format, for example. Some of my companions do that casually amongst themselves.
I think Unlimited format would be fun if you banned certain cards or maybe made it DP-on or MD-or something like that.

Also, directly after States, we're having a casual Team Play tournament. You can even use printed proxies as long as you have sleeves and you can't tell the difference between other cards in your deck. I'm trying to think of ideas that would he even more broken in such a format.
At Australian Nationals we have an event called Metronome, it is unlimited with a special rule added to it each round (and it is designed to destroy Porydonk and other unlimited decks). And the prizes are all equal, as it is rather luck based. :)
my pokemon league had a tournament recently with these rules:
1) pokemon catcher is Ace Spec
2) basics that don't evolve are not allowed (i.e. no EX, no sableye, no skarmory, etc)
3) you have to include at least 2 stages of any given evolution line to be able to use a pokemon (i.e. you can play 4 squirtles, but you are required to have at least 1 wartortle or 1 blastoise)

it was pretty interesting, but I unfortunately couldn't take part; iirc an empoleon deck won
All sound like fun! I never went to a tourney, the closest was 2 Pre-releases. And no SR tourneys, the ones that the OP posted sounds fun.