Specific disqualification question.

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In a pokemon VGC event with random checks: If a pokemon with a TM move that was hacked forgets that TM move, is that pokemon still hacked?? (as opposed to a usable tournament pokemon.)

And if a game has hacked items, would pokemon that these items were not used on be "hacked" pokemon. (also as opposed to a usable tournament pokomon.)

Someone had traded me some TMs that I think may be hacked :headbang so I need to know if I have to reset a game. :(

Thanks in advance for anyone who answers! :D
I believe that in the case of your first question, it would be a legal Pokemon. I don't see in how either case that the item or Pokemon is "hacked". You should be fine, but I'm no expert on hacking.
the hacked move being gone should be fine so long as the pokemon itself is legitimate, and hacked items i'm not so sure about, i know for a fact that cloned items are allowed, not sure about hacked ones though
Thanks guys! It would be great too if anyone has had an experience like this. (like if you have actually registered to an event with a problem like this) <- this is extra, everything you guys have posted was helpful.
Thanks again!
Unfortunately for you, the Pokemon will come up as hacked on the machine. I've had experience with this (not myself, but someone I know). If the Pokemon had any experience with hacking at one point (such as learning a TM it can't learn), then the traces of the hack remain on the Pokemon. For hacked items, as long as you don't have unreleased items (such as the Enigma Berry) then you should be alright. They don't care if you have unlimited items. They only care if you used a hacking device to change the Pokemon's limitations in some way.

EDIT: completely misunderstood what you were talking about. I thought you meant you got a Pokemon that knew attacks it couldn't learn (such as a Rapidash with Surf).
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