I've been tinkerizing with Cacturne for a while and I have gotten to the point to where I think I can show my list to you guys. Please help if you have Experience with donk decks! Thanks!
Pokemon: 10
The strategy of the deck is to use Cacturne to deal 30 with derail on turn one with Forest of Giant Plants. Derail discards a special energy from the defending pokemon. Only 30 is dealt, but in combonation with Dangerous Energy, Giovanni's Scheme and Muscle Band you can easily deal 80 and discard a special energy.
Pokemon: 10
- 4 Cacturne
- 4 Cacnea
- 2 Shaymin EX
- 4 Roller Skates
- 4 Trainers' Mail
- 4 Professor Sycamore
- 4 Muscle Band
- 4 Acro Bike
- 4 Super Scoop Up
- 4 Forest of Giant Plants
- 4 VS Seeker
- 3 Professor Birch's Observations
- 2 Ultra Ball
- 2 Switch
- 2 Lysandre
- 1 Giovanni
- 4 Dangerous Energy
- 4 Darkness Energy
The strategy of the deck is to use Cacturne to deal 30 with derail on turn one with Forest of Giant Plants. Derail discards a special energy from the defending pokemon. Only 30 is dealt, but in combonation with Dangerous Energy, Giovanni's Scheme and Muscle Band you can easily deal 80 and discard a special energy.