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Speed Lugia

Chase Goodwin

Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 10

  • 3- Lugia EX
    4- Deoxys EX
    2- Thundurus EX
    1- Absol (Plasma Freeze)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 38

  • 4- Professor Sycamore
    3- N
    2- Skyla
    2- Lysandre
    2- Colress

    4- Team Plasma Ball
    4- Colress Machine
    3- Muscle Band
    2- Float Stone
    2- Roller Skates
    2- Bicycle
    2- VS Seeker
    1- Switch
    1- Startling Megaphone
    1- Escape Rope
    1- Computer Search

    2- Frozen City
Energy: 12

  • 4- DCE
    4- Plasma Energy
    4- Rainbow Energy


My strategy for this is to have a Lugia as my active and at least 3 Deoxys benched. Use the Team Plasma Balls to bench more Deoxys and possibly a Thundurus to retrieve Plasma energy and place them back on Lugia. Also use the Colress Machine for extra energy acceleration, and Frozen City just to help get some damage counters on the opponent. I think Absol is just a good non EX attacker. I played this with some of my buddies and it is pretty effective. Please let me know what you think and any possible changes I could make to it :)
As a counter to Manectric EXs which can 1HKO your Lugia EXs, you might want to replace your Frozen City Stadiums with Plasma Frigate.

Donphan decks too will be a major concern to your Thunderus EXs; so, consider replacing those with Kyurems (PLF), as well as incorporate some Basic energy and Professor's Letter.

I greatly favor Bicycle over Roller Skates which have a 50% chance of failing. Why no Shadow Triad? Why the Float Stones?
I run the float stone in case I start with a Deoxys to retreat for free to a Lugia, Thundurus or Absol. I don't run the Shadow Triad because I can retrieve the plasma energy with Thundurus, but I need to incorporate it into my list somehow. I appreciate your suggestions :)
I hope im not too late here but here are some suggestions..
-2 Landorus EX
-1 N (You are getting prizes very fast with Lugia so most of the time you will be cutting down youself than stocking you up)
-1 Colress Machine (3 is definately enough for this)
-2 Roller Skates (Dont rely on flips...>.>)
-2 Float Stone

+2 Plasma Kyurem (as TuxedoBlack mentioned for Donphan)
+1 Shadow Triad
+1 Muscle Band (you want that extra 20 damage, even if Deoxys had to attack these 20 could be game changing, thats also the reason why switch over float stone because your tool spot for deoxys would be locked)
+2 Bicycle (more reliable than skates)
+2 Switch

Hope this helps...
Plasma Frigate will work because Manectric OHKO's Lugia if it has a Muscle Band. You need this. At cities last week, I faced a Lugia Deck, and by turn 4, he took 5 prizes and I didn't take any, but I won when I just too six straight prizes with Manectric.