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SpeedMew HGSS-ON (Needs division in thread title)


This is the all powerful genosect.
This seems like a pretty viable deck to me. I really like mew prime and think it can do pretty well.
4 Mew Prime
3 Relicanth col
2-2 Lucario
1 Cincinno
1 Zoroark
1 Bouffalant Revenge
1 Crobat Prime
2-2 Lanturn Prime (Reshiboar/Donphan counter)

3 Pokemon Collector
2 Switch
3 Revive
1 Flower Shop Lady
4 Defender
2 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Professor Elms Training Method
2 Energy Exchager
3 Energy Retreiver
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rescue
Strategy:Start with Relicanth or Mew to send some pokes to the lost zone. Then set up some more Mews and a Lucario or Lanturn. Use Mews to use do the wave/revenge/foul play/severe poison/skill dive/powerful spark/dimension spear. What do you think?
RE: SpeedMew HGSS-ON

I like the strategy of Mew, but I would do these changes:
+1 Cinccino
+1 Zoroark
+1 Crobat Prime

-1 Bouffalant
-2 Professor Elm's Training Method (you don't need those that much, since you run 3 communication and you don't have a lot of Stage 1, and most of the time you won't be using Lanturn or Lucario)

Just because, with those changes, you'll have less chances of having your "attackers" prized. Or swap a Bouffalat with 1 Rotom TM for an Azelf wannabe, but it's less useful than Azelf.
RE: SpeedMew HGSS-ON

I run elms mostly to get the crobat/cincinno/zoroark to discard with relicanth but Ill do some testing. Thanks for the help.
RE: SpeedMew HGSS-ON

mew just doesnt have the HP to last.
your deck will be overpowered by MANY decks

you'll need to have some staple attacker other than lucario that can also dish out heavy damage for those bulky stage 2 pokemon and reshiram zekroms
RE: SpeedMew HGSS-ON

I have lanturn and lucario which can do a lot of damage pretty easily. Mew can survive as long as I use the right attacks at the right time and use defenders to bulk his defenses. Also this deck has a considerable amount of speed. Not only that it counters a lot of meta game decks in hgss-on.