This seems like a pretty viable deck to me. I really like mew prime and think it can do pretty well.
4 Mew Prime
3 Relicanth col
2-2 Lucario
2 Cincinno
2 Zoroark
2-2 Lanturn Prime (Reshiboar/Donphan counter)
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Switch
3 Revive
1 Flower Shop Lady
4 Plus Power
2 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Professor Elms Training Method
3 Pokemon Reversal
2 Energy Retreival
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Electric
3 Rescue
6 Phsycic
Strategy:Start with Relicanth or Mew to send some pokes to the lost zone. Then set up some more Mews and a Lucario or Lanturn. Use Mews to use do the wave/revenge/foul play/severe poison/skill dive/powerful spark/dimension spear. What do you think?
4 Mew Prime
3 Relicanth col
2-2 Lucario
2 Cincinno
2 Zoroark
2-2 Lanturn Prime (Reshiboar/Donphan counter)
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Switch
3 Revive
1 Flower Shop Lady
4 Plus Power
2 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Professor Elms Training Method
3 Pokemon Reversal
2 Energy Retreival
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Electric
3 Rescue
6 Phsycic
Strategy:Start with Relicanth or Mew to send some pokes to the lost zone. Then set up some more Mews and a Lucario or Lanturn. Use Mews to use do the wave/revenge/foul play/severe poison/skill dive/powerful spark/dimension spear. What do you think?