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Speedpluff (Jumpluff/Sunflora) Masters States


Verified Seller since October 2010

4-4-4 Jumpluff
3-3 Sunflora
2 Sableye SF

3 Pokemon Communication, GS-98
4 Quick Ball, MD-86
4 Poke Drawer +, SF-89
3 Rare Candy, UL-82
3 Pokedex Handy 910is, PL-114
1 Luxury Ball, SF-86
2 Bebe's Search, RR-89
4 Pokemon Collector, GS-97
1 Palmer's Contribution, SV-139
2 Seeker, TM-88
4 Broken Time-Space, PL-104

9 Grass Energy

Speed through your deck and Swarm them, hit for at least 70 for 1 grass.
It DEFINITELY NEEDS WORK, so please remember, speed and swarm.
Anything that can help with speed and recovery will help.
My suggestions:

-2 Sableye SF
-4 Quick Ball
-3 Pokedex
-1 Pokemon Communication

+2 Uxie
+1 Azelf LA
+4 Spiritomb AR
+1-1 Shaymin X
+1-1 Metapod HGSS

I'll explain after I have dinner. :)
I used to run it with Shaymin, It slows it down a lot TBH.
Metapod, I am not worried about the weakness at all.
The Uxies may be added, its bad that I forgot them...
Azelf- may help with the swarm.
Spiritomb- Possibility if I can pick up 4 on the morning of states.
Don't take out Sableye, it's very cool. Here are the suggestions:

Take out:
4 Quick Ball (you don't need them)
3 Pokédex Handy 910is (what a waste of space)
1 Grass Energy (to make space for Special Energys)

Put in:
2-1 Uxie L.X (AMAZING drawpower)
1 Azelf (to take out something from prizes, obviously Pokémon)
2 Sableye (it's your starter, max him out)
2 Rescue Energy (it's good in Jumpluff)