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Speedrills Cousin


Aspiring Trainer
Hy, guys!

I've always been a big fan of speed and swarm decks. I'm sure that nearly everybody knows the Speedrill Deck that won World Championships 2009. Well the concept is pretty good and I realized that there is probably a solution for playing a deck with that concept with the modified cards.
I came up with Jumpluff as an alterantive pokemon for the old Beedrill. So far the deck works fine, but still not the same level as Speedrill.
Please help me with how i can make this deck quicker/better.

Pokemon (22):
4-2-4 Jumpluff (HS)
2-2 Sunflora (HS)
2-1-2 Magnezone Prime (TM)
3 Cleffa

T/S/S (29):
Collector 1
Communication 4
Rare Candy 4
Duel Ball 3
Flower Shop Lady 2
Plus Power 4
Twins 2
Junk Arm 2
Switch 2

Energy (10):
Grass 7
Rainbow 3

If lucky (big chance) you will start of with cards letting you get: Hoppip, {G} Energy, Jumpluff, Rare Candy and some benched pokemon. With the help of alot of Trainer cards makes it easy to swarm. With Magnezone as drawing power and Sunflora as searching machine, you will get a swarm in few turns. Plus Power are for the last necessary 10-20 damage needed.
Compared to Speedrill is Jumpluff easier to attack early because it doesn't matter what pokemon there are on the bench. Sad thing is that Jumpluff can only attack 70 if opponent only have 1 pokemon in play.

Please leave any suggestions, help and advice for making the deck even better. Thanks :)
Interesting idea!!
First of all, IMHO 3 Cleffas are exceeding! Take out 2 of them and a Flower Shop Lady (2 are too many). Add instead 3 Collectors :D
Yeah you are right with the Cleffas. But if not the Flower Shop Lady how can i recycle the Jumpluffs? They only have 90 HP and that is an easy KO. So i somehow need to keep getting Jumpluffs. Would Rescue Energy be better?
The point is that you have 4 Jumpluffs and 2 Magnezone Prime to attack. I don't think exist a deck that can kill 4 Jumpluffs in 4 turns, so there is no problem... and Magnezone guarantees a constant draw, so the deck is faster too. A FSL is enough :D