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Standard Speedway (Jolteon GX / Zapdos / Tapu Koko / Tapu Koko Prism / Jirachi)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


Pokémon (12):
  • 1 Tapu Koko Prism (accelerate)
  • 3 Zapdos SM8a (beatdown)
  • 1 Zeraora GX (beatdown)
  • 2 Jolteon GX (beatdown)
  • 2 Eevee SM1 (evolution)
  • 3 Jirachi SM8a (search)
Trainer (36):
  • 2 Prof. Kukui (draw)
  • 4 Guzma (control)
  • 4 Cynthia (draw)
  • 4 Lillie (draw)
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
  • 4 Electric Power (beatdown)
  • 3 Choice Band (beatdown)
  • 3 Escape Board (retreat)
  • 2 Escape Rope (control)
  • 3 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 3 Nest Ball (search)
  • 2 Aether Paradise Conservation (protect)
  • 1 Thunder Mountain Prism (enable)
Energy (12):
  • 12 Lightning Energy


Start with either Jirachi or Eevee and search for trainer cards. Attach Escape Board to Jirachi and retreat into either Zapdos or Jolteon GX. Start the assault with a swarm of Zapdos and Jolteon GX to hit the opponent’s bench and active. Similar to Buzzwole variants this deck focuses on a combination of damage spread and damage modifiers to achieve one-hit knock outs.
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Added : Alolan Ninetales(F) will get you items faster, with a few Fairy energies and a Tapu lele(F) to focus that Spread damage and you got yourself a pretty strong deck.
Hi Fafnirchaos,

Thanks for the review. Jirachi does not look much on paper but he thins the deck real well. Consider him to be a reuseable Trainer's Mail that can search out items, stadium cards and supporters alike. Volkner is limited to one item and Alolan Ninetales GX can search out two items once. Jirachi is less consistent in that he cannot garantie you a certain item each turn but is is more versatile and also able to search for supporter and stadium cards. The more often he is used the more he thins the deck. even if you just promote him after a knock out each turn he increases the hand size and can get almost everything other than energies. For this reason I prefer him over Volkner and alolan Ninetales GX in this deck. similar to Buzzwole the spread damage is used to get the opponent's Pokémon into ohko range easier.
This deck is awesome! The way you fit jirachi into this is amazing, and the combination of spread and one-prize attackers turns this deck into a lethal force. I'd personally have 3-4 Electrocharger in here so you can reuse electropower and hit higher numbers and possibly add adventure satchel so you can more easily get those escape boards, but other than that I am SO playing this deck when all of it's cards come out.
Hi Jayfeather,

Thanks for the review. More Electric Charger would be nice but it is hard to fit them into the deck. Jirachi is in essence the new Tapu Lele GX since he stabilizes a lot of decks and helps to thin the deck at the same time. I revised the deck a little and included a second Electric Charger due to the prevalence of decks with a low count of Pokémon GX.
I like this list as a whole, but I think you can swap out the APCA for Volkner. Since the stadium is only protecting your Zapdos and Koko variants, I don't think it has a good enough effect to warrant its inclusion, as opposed to Volkner which can, after a Jirachi or something else, grab that oh-so-important Electric Power/Charger that is imperative to getting big KOs with this deck, in addition to an energy that can fully charge a new attacker when there wouldn't have been one before.
Hi John InCENAroar,

Thanks for the review. Aether Paradose Conservation Area is used as a counter stadium to deal with Prism Stadiums such as Black Market Prism Star and Heat Factory Prism Star in this deck. The former is most problematic since it can skew the prize trade in favor of the opponent. Volkner would have been a nice addition but Jirachi is rather effective in searching out trainer cards in general. I am not against the idea to run both but the stadium seems to be needed as a counter and protecting Zapdos is a nice bonus.
I really like the idea of this deck. Here are a few changes I would apply:
- I see why you're using Jirachi, but you should use at least one Lele. With Lele, you cam get the one Supporter you need, like the turn 1 Lillie or the game winning Guzma while Jirachi is less relieable because you can only choose one of 5 cards. I suggest to cut one Jirachi for Tapu Lele GX.
- The strategy of this deck is switching around a lot. While you have Escape Boards on Jirachi and free retreat on both Jolteon and Koko, retreating Zapdos might be a problem. This is why you could play one Zeraora GX, which does not only allow free retreat on Zapdos but it can also accelerate energies and hit hard (160+30+30=220 could be a game-winning OHKO on many GXes). I would cut one Kukui because three of them is too much when you already have Electripower for increasing damage.
Hi FlashRayquaza,

Thanks for the review. I really like to idea to run a tech Zeraora GX in this deck to assist Zapdos and to have a third alternate attacker that can hit hard. Will be sure to do that. I can also see the reason to limit Prof. Kukui to two and to increase the number of Lillie to four since this deck can play its hand with ease. Not sold on Tapu Lele GX in this deckto be honest since it is not a decent attacker and offers little to the deck over and above its ability to search out a supporter. Jirachi actually does a perfect job at thinning the deck and fishing out supporters. Tapu Lele GX does not seem to be needed that bad.
I've always wanted to find a good Electric deck in the TCG, and this one seems like it would work great. Keep it up!
Hi Sylveonix,

Thanks for the review. the deck works rather well in a meta focused on non-GX Pokémon or a combination of Pokémon GX and Pokémon non-GX.