DPPt/HGSS Spindry's trade thread

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Lover of odd pokemon
But I heard there were some event pokemon out that trigger stuff in the games so I thought I'd drop by and see what's what.
I'm especially interested in this movie arceus.
I can make clones using the box cloner game shark technique, which is pretty much risk free, so if anyone wants me to clone one of these for them, then I'd be happy too.
I also have these pokemon,

Event Shaymin that can transform (UT)
legit lugia
Any interesting shineys or events.

Pokemon I have to offer:
Tyranitar Lv.62 - Adamant (DD, earthquake, crunch, stone edge)
Shiny Metagross Lv.45 - Impish
Mismagius Lv.62 - Mild (Energyball, Thunderbolt, Shadowball, painsplit)
Venusaur Lv.73 - Quit (Solarbeam, Giga Drain, FrenzyPlant, Synthesis) *Nicknamed ManBearPig*
Blastoise Lv.73 - Sassy (Surf, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Brick Break)
Typhlosion Lv.72 - Hardy (Flamethrower, Shadow Claw, Eruption, Earthquake)
Sceptile Lv.71 - Carful (Leaf Blade, Dragon Pulse, X-Scissor, Earthquake)
Swampert Lv.100 - Bashful (Muddy Water, HammerArm, HydroCannon, Earthquake) *Nicknamed Fortessimo*
Lapras Lv.70 - Naughty (HydroPump, Shock Wave, Blizzard, Brine) *Nicknamed Nephilim*
Armaldo Lv.76 - Serious (RockSlide, Crush Claw, Iron Tail, X-Scissor) *Nicknamed Leo*
Gallade Lv.72 - Gentle (NightSlash, PsychoCut, Leaf Blade, Brick Break)
Scizor Lv.72 - Brave (Iron Head, Giga Impact, X-Scissor, Sword Dance) *Nicknamed Slash*
Salamnce Lv.93 - Quirky (DragonClaw, FireBlash, Brick Break, Fly) *Nicknamed Dragoon*
Shedinja Lv.100 - Modest (ShadowClaw, AerialAce, Dig, Shadowball)

All legendaries

Articuno [UT] Lv.50 - Hasty (Mist, Agility, Mind Reader, IceBeam) *Nicknamed Arkadais*
Zapdos Lv.69 - Impish (Thunder, Rain Dance, Drill Peck, Pluck) *Nicknamed Thundagras*
Moltres [SemiUT] Lv.50 - Lax (Endure, Flamethrower, Agility, Firespin) *Nicknamed Cersis*
Mew [possibly Hacked] Lv.30 - Lax (Pound, Transform, Mega Punch, Metronome)
Mew [Hacked] Lv. 100 - Hardy (Psychic, Metronome, Thunder, Blizzard)
Mewtwo Lv.78 - Naive (Psychic, Safegaurd, Recover, PsychoCut) *Nicknamed Symbious*

Suicune Lv.52 - Sassy (Rain Dance, Gust, Aurora Beam, Mist)
Raikou [UT] [PKRS] Lv.50 - Rash (Thunder, Roar, Quick Attack, Spark)
Entei Lv. 76 - Naughty (Fireblast, SunnyDay, Flamethrower, SolarBeam, Flamethrower)
Celebi [Hacked] Lv. 54 - Relaxed (Energy Ball, U-turn, Heal Bell, Psychic)
Celebi [10th Aniverssary] [UT] Lv.70 - Adamant (ancient Power, Future Sight, Baton Pass, Perish Song)
Ho-Oh [MATTEL] [UT] Lv.70 - Hardy (Recover, Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Swift)
Lugia [Distant Land] Lv. 62 - Calm (Psycho Boost, Earthquake, Hydro Pump, Fly)

Rayquaza [SemiUT] Lv.70 - Adamant (ExtremeSpeed, Outrage, Thnunder, Fireblast) *Nicknamed Iris*
Groudon Lv.52 - Serious (Slash, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Fireblast)
Kyogre Lv.76 - Lonely (Ice Beam, Sheer Cold, Water Spout, HydroPump) *Nicknamed Kyo*
Latias Lv.51 - Quirky (Psychic, Mistball, Thunderbolt, DragonBreath)
Latios [SemiUT] Lv.41 - Modest (Luster Purge, Refresh, Protect)
Regirock [Semi UT] Lv. 40 - Mild (RockThrow, Strength, Superpower, Ancient Power)
Regiice [SemiUT] Lv.40 - Modest (Icywind, Curse, Superpower, Ancient Power)
Registeel [UT] Lv. 40 - Adamant (MetalClaw, Curse, Superpower, Ancient Power)
Jirachi [Wishmkr Event] Lv. 63 - Adamant (Wish, Psychic, Cosmic Power, Doom Desire)
Jirachi [Hacked] Lv. 29 - Hasty (Swift, Helping Hand, Psychic Refresh)

Azelf [UT] Lv.50 - Hardy (Confusion, Uproar, Future Sight, Nasty Plot)
Uxie [UT] Lv.50 - Timid (Confusion, Yawn, Future Sight, Amnesia)
Mesprit [UT] Lv.50 - Careful (Confusion, Lucky Chant, Future Sight, Charm)
Cresselia [UT] Lv.50 - Calm (Mist, Aurora Beam, Future Sight, Slash)
Heatran [UT] Lv.70 - Hardy (Lava Plume, Scary Face, Iron Head, Firespin)
Dialga [UT] Lv.47 - Naughty (Roar of Time, Metal Claw, Ancient Power, Dragon Claw)
Giratina [SemiUT] Lv. 70 - Quirky (ShadowForce, Heal Block, Earth Power, Slash)
Arceus [ARevent/SemiHacked] [UT] Lv.80 - Quiet (Refresh, Recover, Future Sight, HyperBeam)
Arceus [Hacked] Lv.100 - Jolly (Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Dragonpulse, Judgment)
Darkrai [ARevent/SemiHacked] [UT] Lv.40 - Lax (Quick Attack, Hypnosis, Pursuit, Nightmare)
Darkrai [Japanese] [UT] Lv.40 - Jolly (Quick Attack, Hypnosis, Pursuit, Nightmare)
Darkrai [Movie event] [UT] Lv.50 - Docile (Nightmare, Spacial Rend, Hypnosis, Roar of Time)
Shaymin [ARevent/SemiHacked] [UT] Lv.30 - Mild (Defense Curl, Magical Leaf, LeechSeed, Synthesis)
Shaymin [Hacked] Lv.51 - Modest (Sweet Scent, Natural Gift, LeechSeed, Synthesis)
Phione [UT] Lv.1 - Mild (Bubble, Water Sport)
Manaphy [UT] Lv.1 - Quirky (Tail Glow, Bubble, Water Sport)
Regigigas [SemiUT] - Jolly (Confuse Ray, Avalanche, Superpower, Zen Headbutt)

Mattel Ho-oh
10th Aniversry Celebi
Movie Darkrai
Saikyou Magmortor

Torchic Lv.1 [UT] - Adamant (Scratch, Growl)
Bellossom Lv.32 - Bold (Absorb, Attract, BulletSeed, Magical Leaf)
Metagross Lv.45 - Impish (Agility, Hammer Arm, Bullet Punch, Psychic)
Trapinch Lv.20 [UT] - Modest (Bite, Faint attack, sand-attack)
Mawile Lv.10 [UT] - Timid (Astonish, Fake Tears)
Eevee Lv.1 [UT] - Modest - Female (Tackle, Tailwhip, helping hand)
Eevee Lv.19 *PKRS* - Adamant - Male (Shadowball, helping hand, Sand-attack, Return)
Solorock Lv.50 [UT] - Serious (Solarbeam, Explosion, Cosmic Power, Sunny Day)
Lunatone (Nicknamed "Blue") Lv.35 [UT] - Brave (Rock Throw, Hypnosis, Psywave, Cosmic Power)
Snorunt Lv.34 [UT] - Impish - Female (Headbutt, Protect, Ice Fang, Crunch)
Weedle Lv.8 [UT] - Sassy - Male (Poison Sting, String Shot)
Shellder Lv.5 [UT] - Jolly - Male (Tackle, Spikes, Explosion)
Snubbull Lv.16 [UT] - Bold - Female (Tail Whip, Charm, Bite, Lick)
Staryu Lv.40 [UT] - Rash (Swift, BubbleBeam, Minimize, Gyro Ball)
Manaphy Lv.1 *Ranger* [UT] - Sassy (Tail Glow, Bubble, Water Sport)
Pachirisu Lv.29 [UT] - Bashful - Male (Endure, Swift, Sweet Kiss, Discharge)
Flygon Lv.64 - Lonely - Male (Dragon Claw, Sandstorm, Crunch, Flamethrower)
Minun Lv.32 - Timid - Female (Spark, Thunder Wave, Charge, Hidden Power)
Turtwig Lv.1 [UT] - Quirky - Male (Tackle, Cut, Rock Climb)
Dustox Lv.25 *PKRS* - Bold - Female (Psybeam, Gust, Protect, Moonlight)
Skorupi Lv.27 - Docile - Male (Leer, Pin Missle, Acupressure, Knock Off)
Plusle Lv.1 [UT] - Relaxed - Male (Growl, Thunderwave, Hidden Power)
Electrode Lv.30 - Quirky (Screech, SonicBoom, Spark, Selfdestruct)
Churubi Lv.6 [UT] - Modest - Female (Tackle)
Glupin Lv.12 [UT] - Adamant - Female (Pound, Yawn, Poison Gas)
Shiney versions of every Evee evolution with good natures for their stats. (Post for more details, none are UT)

Just hatched
Larvitars with DD, (some also have stoneedge and earthquake)
Totodiles (DD)
Charmanders with DD and Dragon Rush
Pichu with Volt Tackle

I can also breed out any pokemon that you desire with just about any egg move.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

I like your shiny Trapinch.

I have the Event Shaymin. However, its not UT.
I have the TRU Reggigigas. (if thats the one you mean)
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

shadoworganoid said:
I like your shiny Trapinch.

I have the Event Shaymin. However, its not UT.
I have the TRU Reggigigas. (if thats the one you mean)

Tru Regi? Like the one from the game. I just know that I heard that you can get one of him from a movie and in platnium it lets you use him to unlock the other regis. That's the one I am needing.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

TRU is the event version. I also have the in game one. (for platinum)

I have other shinies like Blaziken, Swampter, Cresselia, Glaceon ECT.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

shadoworganoid said:
TRU is the event version. I also have the in game one. (for platinum)

I have other shinies like Blaziken, Swampter, Cresselia, Glaceon etc.
Okay then, I'm up for a trade. And I have some great shines too. But I'm really looking for those listed event pokemon. Is there anything else you like from my list other than Trapinch? I'm about to update it.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

The only other pokemon you have I would want is your Manaphy. Is it real? Or not hacked?

So what do you want from me? I have a trade thread too. It lists all my shines.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

shadoworganoid said:
The only other pokemon you have I would want is your Manaphy. Is it real? Or not hacked?

So what do you want from me? I have a trade thread too. It lists all my shines.

Look again because I just updated my shiney list. And yes, my shiney and my normal Manaphy are both legit. The not shiney one is mine and the other one came from someone else.

I'm really looking to get that movie regiggigas and event shaymin for the manaphy and the trapinch or whatever else you want. Tell me how that sounds.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

Reggigigas for Shiny manaphy?
Event Shaymin for Shiny Trapinch?

Sounds fine to me. Yours are cloned and so are mine. Ok.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

shadoworganoid said:
Reggigigas for Shiny manaphy?
Event Shaymin for Shiny Trapinch?

Sounds fine to me. Yours are cloned and so are mine. Ok.

Yes, I do box cloning on mine, just give me a minute to find a DS charger.
My code is 1032 7574 4700
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

I like your lv1 shiny Eevee. Link to my thread in sig. Post there or PM me with a response.
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

i like sceptile and movie darkrai
i have lugia you can clone. also, my thread is in my sig
RE: Been a long time... (Spindry Trade Thread)

I will trade you my Navel Rock Lugia UT for your shiny male flygon?
RE: Looking for Movie Arceus and Movie/shiney Pichu

My Shokotan Pichu for your Saikyou Electivire
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