Ruling Spiritomb


Aspiring Trainer
Ok i have a stupid question. If i put spiritomb down use curse breath and then super scoop up and put spiritomb back down can i use curse breath again. I went up against someone how did that and the judge said that say far as he knew it was ok. Anything would help answer this question, so that if i battle him again i can tell him if he can do it or not.
If a Pokemon leaves and re-enters play, it's considered a brand new Pokemon. It is not bound by any restrictions that were on it before.

Edit: But in Spiritomb's case, Curse Breath states "You can't use more than one Curse Breath Poke-Power each turn". That is a global restriction. So you can't use Curse Breath twice on the same turn, even if you play more than one Spiritomb.
wait so i can play spirtomb, SSU, then play it all again for 20 to all pokes with damage on them??
Yeah what chairman kaga said
If a pokemon is swapped out then switched back in treated as a new pokemans <--Deliberate
Sorry Kaga, you are incorrect.

You cannot use more than 1 cursed breath per turn.

Now if you removed Spiritoimb, and laid it down the NEXT turn, then it would work.

But you can only use 1 per turn.

Yep, I'm wrong. This is what I get for not actually reading the card before answering.

"You can't use more than one Curse Breath Poke-Power each turn". That is a global restriction. So you can't use Curse Breath twice on the same turn, even if you play more than one Spiritomb.
Lol I was about to quote Kaga and be like "what?? wrong". You can't do it more then once per turn, as the power states that you can't use more then one power per turn. See base farfetch'd and koga's beedrill (I believe) and FRLG pidgeot for similar text with global effects (though farfetch'd and drill are pokemon specific).
And as soon as Duke said "I challenge your ruling" it dawned on me that this was one of those powers with the "can't use more than one" clause. My fault for being in a hurry.

Now, there are powers you can pull that trick with -- Zapdos MD is the first that comes to mind. But the "You can't use more than 1 [name] Poke-Power each turn" is a global restriction. Once you've used that power, you can't declare another Power with the same name that turn, even if it's on a different Pokemon.