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Spooky Ghost Tree (Trevenant / Dusknoir)


A Mach Punch User
Pokemon: 15

  • Dedenne - 2
    Phantump - 3
    Trevenant - 3
    Duskull - 3
    Dusclops - 2
    Dusknoir - 2
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 35

  • Evosoda - 3
    Rare Candy - 3
    Muscle Band - 3
    Startling Megaphone - 3
    Roller Skates - 4
    N - 3
    Prof Sycamore - 4
    Shauna - 2
    Colress - 2
    Lysandre - 3
    Pokemon Fan Club - 2
    Dimensional Valley - 3
Energy: 10

  • Psychic - 6
    Mystery Energy - 4


Before I explain the deck, here's scans of the Pokemon used in this deck.


If you don't know what the 2 new cards in this deck do (Dimentional Valley and Mystery Energy) you can check Pokebeach homepage for the translations.

So, Trevenant can do 60 (80 with Muscle Band) and 20 to 2 benched Pokemon for 1 Psychic energy and 2 colorless (only 1 colorless with Dimensional Valley), when paired with Dusknoir (sinister hand) you get to move around up to 120 damage counters from 1 attack. Now, this is good and all, but what makes this GREAT is that while Trevenant is active, the foe can use NO item cards.

So, the idea is to get some Trevenant set up, and then item lock the foe as I go to town on his Pokemon with Trevenant. If some big bad Yveltal comes out to try and hurt Trevenant then Dedenne comes in to take care of it. If I can split up damage counters in the right spots, it could be possible to wipe out the foes ENTIRE field of Pokemon, and that's the goal.

The reason for soooo many Roller Skates is because this deck NEEDS to be set up fast, and with Roller Skates I can get cards fast. Lysandre and Startling Megaphone is for Grabotoxic.

Any feedback would be nice.