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SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU STUFF H: PayPal, $

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Shining Raikou

Your friendly neighborhood Raikou fan!
Elite Member
Advanced Member

1. I won't buy everything you offer, so please don't be disappointed if I turn you down.

2. Feel free to offer things you think I may be interested in. I am a Pokemon collector and am always looking to add new items to my collections. However most of my big wants are not TCG, so don't expect me to buy many cards, if any.

3. When naming a price, include shipping to the US.

4. I CAN do PayPal or cash.

5. Currently only looking for Raikou, Entei, & Suicune stuff! (Legendary Beasts)

Thats it! Here's my list of things I'm buying!:


- HUGE WANTS: SHINY BEAST stuff, Japanese Shiny Raikou, Shiny Entei, and Shiny Suicune cards + COL Shiny Suicune + Japanese Beast LEGENDS.

- Foreign language Pokemon cards of Pokemon I collect. Big Want: Legendary beasts (Entei, Suicune, & Raikou) cards in languages other than English and Japanese! (French, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, etc.)

- TCG Posters and Merchandise featuring Legendary Beasts.

- Movie posters! Looking for Pokemon 3, (Entei movie, Japanese only) and Pokemon 4Ever (Celebi & Suicune, English and Japanese.) posters. Especially looking for any movie 13 posters!

- Custom artwork or plush. (I also am willing to pay for art, avatars and icons, but these deals will not get you a reputation if I am not receiving anything in the mail.) - please provide examples. (will pay $$$ for high quality stuff)

- Merchandise and other unique items featuring the Legendary Beasts.


So there you go! Let me know if you have anything to offer me and I'll consider buying it!

Thanks! :p
RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

I have Rhyperior X off your list of pokemon you collect fo 5$ shipped. But its not Japanese =/
RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

Sent a PM!

RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

i have a glaceon plush. if u need a pic, i will provide.
RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

Sorry, I'm not looking for Glaceon stuff. Thanks for offering though.
RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

if you are interested i have 5 tourny dice i can sell you.

1 indiana states
1 illinois states
1 michigan states
2 indiana regionals

would you like to make an offer for these? I usually see states ones going for about 8 so i figure 10-12 for regionals but if you are interested just make an offer you think fair.
RE: SR's Wants - Now buying! PayPal or Cash. Want beasts stuff, TCG posters and more!

i have legendary dogs poster from JPN revived legend if u interested, u can ask for a picture

i also have zangoose from lost link JPN series
i also have some legendary dogs deck boxes.....u can see in my selling thread

RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

I have the poster from Unleashed and the Unleashed sleeves.

EDIT: I have an empty HS:U booster box too.
RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

i have ul sleeves and promo blastoise
RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

Sorry, I already got the sleeves from someone else. :<
RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

If you still need a poster, I can sell you mine cheap (HS Unleashed prerelease)
RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

And I have an empty Booster Box I can sell for cheap. I've got to many empty boxes already, lol. No room for this. =[
RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. Want HS Unleashed promotional stuff, legendary beasts stuff, TCG posters and mo

Sorry, I already got both of those things guys. Thanks for offering though.

I'm looking for the HS Unleashed Binder! It's a binder sold in stores like Toys R Us or Target. If you see one and can get it for me, I'll definitely buy it at YOUR asking price.

Edit: FOUND!

RE: SR's Wants - Buying! PayPal or Cash. W: legendary beasts stuff and more!

Closing for a while.

RE: SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU, ENTEI, & SUICUNE stuff H: PayPal, $

Do you need:
Raikou Suicune LEGEND Top x2
HS:U Poster
Suicune Entei LEGEND Top x2
Suicune Entei LEGEND Bottom
HGSS Minibinder (3 Beasts on front/Ho-oh Lugia on back)
Shiny Raikou HGSS Promo
Shiny Suicune HGSS Promo?
RE: SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU, ENTEI, & SUICUNE stuff H: PayPal, $

I need:

Raikou Suicune LEGEND Top
Suicune Entei LEGEND Top
Suicune Entei LEGEND Bottom

Sent PM.
RE: SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU, ENTEI, & SUICUNE stuff H: PayPal, $

I have an Entei and Raikou Legend Set. I can sell it for 20 dollars shipped to USA.
RE: SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU, ENTEI, & SUICUNE stuff H: PayPal, $

I have the CoL shiny Raikou suicune and entei. Any idea on values?
I can only take cash/ mo / check btw
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