Well, I've been working on some fakes for a while, and I needed a place to put them, so here we are, with my new thread.
Project Universe
The soon to be rival for CMP's Neo Redux. Except it won't be Neo. And it won't be Redux, whatever that is.
It will be split into three subsets; Purity, which is going to contain every Pokémon out there as a card; Versatility, which will feature Team Rocket's, Team Magma's, Team Aqua's, Team Galactic's, Team Plasma's, various Gym Leaders', various Elite Four/Champions' Pokémon, etc. The final subset, Innovation, will include Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums, and Energy. Now for the lists.
None. Boo hoo.
#???/???: Team Aqua's Sentret
None. They ran away.
EX Delta Returns
133 cards, all Poke's are Delta, a few EX's, a few *'s, you know, normal drill. I am currently too lazy to actually put the set symbol on the cards though.
#17/133: Tyranitar
#133/133: Shinx*
Random Fakes
I can't be always working on a set, can I? Whenever I get bored, here's where the result is.
#001: Fog Energy
#002: SS's Shinx EX A rather old fake, a few years at least.
Project Universe
The soon to be rival for CMP's Neo Redux. Except it won't be Neo. And it won't be Redux, whatever that is.
None. Boo hoo.
#???/???: Team Aqua's Sentret
None. They ran away.
EX Delta Returns
133 cards, all Poke's are Delta, a few EX's, a few *'s, you know, normal drill. I am currently too lazy to actually put the set symbol on the cards though.
#17/133: Tyranitar
#133/133: Shinx*
Random Fakes
I can't be always working on a set, can I? Whenever I get bored, here's where the result is.
#001: Fog Energy
#002: SS's Shinx EX A rather old fake, a few years at least.