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Stage 1 Rush (Raichu / Eeveelutions)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3-3 Raichu XY
    2 Terrakion LTR
    3-2-1 Leafeon/Flareon PLF
    1-1 Driftblim (Shadow Steal)
    2-2 Garbodor LTR

  • 1 Computer Search
    3 Level Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Energy Switch
    1 Super Rod
    3 Float Stone
    2 Silver Bangle
    1 Muscle Band
    4 Juniper
    3 N
    3 Skyla
    2 Colress
    1 Lysandre

  • 7 Fighting
    4 DCE

Set up as fast as we can and hit for 100 with Raichu. IT also 1 hits Yveltal with a full bench or 4 + a Silver Bangle. Use Terrakion to revenge kill Darkrai EX. Energy switch helps out with Terrakion if you aready have a powered up Leafeon on the bench.Leafeon pretty much tears up any deck that uses a lot of energy (Blastoise, Yveltal ect.) Drifblim is just a tech I like if i play Team Plasma. If they have a few special energy in the discard, Drifblim hits hard for just 1 energy. Garbordor is self explanitory, lock out all your opponent's abilities like Blastoise's Deluge.

I'm open to any suggestions. Just drop a reply :)
Is Darkrai EX still a major concern? I'd suggest replacing those Poké (i.e., Terrakion) with Druddigon which can 1H revenge KO any Dragon type Poké. BKEX and Ray EX are far more prevalent than Darkrai EX, at least in my area.
TuxedoBlack said:
Is Darkrai EX still a major concern? I'd suggest replacing those Poké with Druddigon which can 1H revenge KO any Dragon type Poké. BKEX and Ray EX are far more prevalent than Darkrai EX, at least in my area.

I am concidering to use Druddigon, but yes Darkrai EX is played a pretty good ammount in my area
I don't know, but have you considered running a Stunfisk? It's a good 1 Energy hitter and has as much HP as the Stage 1's. I actually like it because I can snipe damage to the bench to prepare for easier KO's with either Flareon or Leafeon.
Karyu said:
3-2-1 Leafeon/Flareon PLF

Is 3 Evee / 2 Leaf / Flareon?? or 2 Flareon / 1 Leaf??
Definitely 2 Leafeon - it's far more versatile in key matchups (e.g., when opponent needs to attach lots of energy to his/her Poké) vs. Flareon, IMHO.