Star Wars Forum

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Gaming Expert...
Well my bro(cousin) used my computer and he forgot that his computer(at his home) was broken and he made a Star Wars Forum and when he got home he said I was In-Charge of that forum. Anyways please join that forum. My username is Yoda1.

here it is
Flygon said:
**Star Wars Training Temple: How it Was Founded**
This clan idea is made by me and since Noobnerd also liked Star Wars, we decided to make a clan. This clan is called the "Star Wars Training Temple".

**Star Wars Training Temple Information**
Whether you are a Star Wars fan or not, you can join. This "Temple" is open to everyone. And I mean everyone. If you don't know something about Star Wars, feel free to ask me or Noobnerd. You can join even if you are a Noob or don't know anything about Star Wars. Because our Jedi Masters will teach you.
You can also ask about Star Wars games here. Espacially Lego Star Wars I and II.
Here are some simple rules, it's best to obey them. But if some of them you can't obey, it's fine. BUT! Rule #1 and #3 must be obeyed!

1. Strictly NO Pokemon topics here! If you wanna talk Pokemon, go to other places of PokeBeach, just not here!

2. No spamming, flamming or cussing. If you still do it, you'll be banned from this clan for TWO days. And still do it, WPM may ban you from this site.

3. Have Fun! ^_^

As you can see, my clan is not strict.
Some words you may not understand:
Jedi Master=Leader
Jedi Knight=Co-Leader
Jedi Padawan=Members
Dark Side=Banned List
Jedi Masters are only limited to two, which is me and Noobnerd. Jedi Knight is limited to five and Jedi Padawan is unlimited.

Jedi Master

Jedi Knight
1)Dark Pokemon Master

Jedi Padawan (unlimited)
2)Light Venusaur
3)Ghost Pokemon Master
4)Rayquaza Ex
5)capt. penguin

Dark Side
(empty for the moment)


Current Activities:
1.Where should this Training Temple be located?
Vote now!! We'll build this temple on the place with the highest vote.

2.Discussing Darth Sidious, otherwise known as Chancellor Palpatine.
Just discuss about this character.

This clan supports:
The Dragon Pokemon Masters - Sub-Branch of TR Nation
F.O.E Forces of Elites
The Searing Flame's Clan
Lightning Volt Clan

Note: Mods, if this clan is dead, please DO NOT lock it. It'll occasionaly have updates.

I've joined that clan. So I've made up a Forum specially for that clan
Lol, PloKoon is definitely a Star Wars fan. You can see it by the username. Then again, we are not allowed to advertise.
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